Thursday, September 17, 2009

More on J. T. Ongley

A letter from Ongley appears in the April 1874 issue of Bible Examiner. It shows him to be sharing a ministry with C. F. Sweet. Sweet in turn was a friend of Owen Russell Croizer and both were known to Barbour.

The letter, signed by both Sweet and Ongley, shows that they were engaged in a tent ministry in Pennsylvania and New York. They had just published two pamphlets written by Sweet. Sweets and Ongley also associated with William Spencer of Rochester who also comes in for mention in Nelson Barbour: The Millennium’s Forgotten Prophet.


Anonymous said...

Have you searched for Ongley in the Advent Christian Times and World's Crisis? His name is found there several times in the years around 1869-1871, and if my memory is correct, there is correspondence from him. He preached in the Pittsburgh area at that time.
If Ongley was aware of the Bible Examiner, perhaps he directed Russell initially to the Bible Examiner(?).

B. W. Schulz said...

Can you provide specific references?

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