Monday, August 19, 2013

Only Known Photo

This is Avis Hamlin. This photo is from 1908 and taken from a newspaper. It's the only one we can find. We'll use it "as is" if we have to, but can someone with more talent than I have improve this photo?


CrimsonRoseDesigns said...

Hi... I've read a few of your posts and love the historical information you are posting... and was curious as to what religion you are a member of?

Thank you

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

Two of the blog editors are Jehovah's Witnesses. One is an independent millennialist Christian.

CrimsonRoseDesigns said...

Thanks so much for letting me know...
I wasn't sure what size or level you needed this photo redone (did you need it print quality for a book? or just small web quality for this site?)
Anyhow I did a quick touch up... I digitally painted the photo and enhanced the dark side... If it's too much I can redo it by leaving it raw and just removing the noise (dots)... let me know if this is what you needed or if you had something else in mind... Here is the link (hope it shows up)

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