Wednesday, October 14, 2015

This is a temporary post.

I'll leave this up for a few days for comment. I'm not formatting this post. Blank spaces appear where illustrations would normally appear. Some of you copy posts like this to your computer or e-reader. If you do, please don't share it.

Advertising the Message

When the first volume of Millennial Dawn neared publication, Russell placed an announcement in The Christian Herald. It piqued the interest of at least one Herald reader, leading to their eventually committing themselves to Watch Tower teachings. Publication was subsequently announced through The Herald and the book sent for. A. I. Ritchie recalled his father sending for the book: “In 1886 my father saw your advertisement in the Christian Herald that Volume I, Millennial Dawn, was in preparation. As soon as he saw the announcement that it was ready, he sent his $1 and got its teachings, accepting it as rapidly as he saw that it harmonized the Scriptures.”[1]
A brief review of the book found in the October 7, 1886, issue of The Christian Herald caused controversy later. The review was very positive:

Millennial Dawn, the Plan of the Ages. A remarkable book! A book for the times! It is emphatically A Helping Hand for Bible Students. In these latter days, when Christians are so eagerly seeking the light of God's word, to interpret passing events and to forecast the dawning future, so pregnant with tremendous import to all mankind, this book comes as a soothing, satisfying draught from the fountain of all truth, knowledge and wisdom.

Every earnest seeker after truth, every sincere student of the Bible, will do well to secure a copy of this remarkable book at once and enjoy the feast of fat things which it contains.

Zion’s Watch Tower attributed the review to J. E. Jewett because the endorsement appeared in a column moderated by him. It was written by Samuel I. Hickey, a Presbyterian clergyman recently converted to Watch Tower theology. When Russell found out the truth, he changed the attribution on missionary matter to reflect reality, but one contentious person would suggest that it was a ‘fraud.’ Russell denied the charge, and he seems to be blameless in the matter.
Because the Christian Herald review was glowing, Watch Tower representatives would use it into the Twentieth Century, sometimes without regard to its origin among themselves. An example is found in The Hopkinsville Kentuckian of July 29, 1900, where two Watch Tower evangelists simply attribute the review to The Christian Herald. This was misleading. The Herald was not a friend to the Watch Tower movement.[2]

The rest of this post has been deleted.


Anonymous said...

Thank you.

I've not posted to your blog before but, like many others, I have appreciated and benefited from your hard work. I purchased your second publication and look forward to future publications as they become available.

A suggestion: Your exposure is very limited. Too few know of your blog and books. Perhaps "advertising" on various exJW forums by providing a few interesting quotes along with a link to your blog would stimulate more interest.

Hoping your health improves and with Christian love to all here, Lindita.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this post is a test?
So I am writing to simply say that I have read it and been informed by it.

Bernhard said...

First: I wish both, Bruce and Rachael all best. I'm sorry that you are not well
Second: Everyone can see that this is research is a hard work, but really the best I've read and sure I will buy the new book if it released sometimes
Third: It's really sad to read that the blog will be stopped. It must be clear that not everyone can support it with information. So most of them are readers. The internet is full from Watchtower things, most of them are bad and uninteresting. So please give not up!! Greetings Bernhard

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