Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Brooklyn Tabernacle



Bernhard said...

…its not „our“ Brooklyn Tabernacle. There were some Tabernacles in Brooklyn…

B. W. Schulz said...

thanks for the clarification. do you have a photo of 'our' tabernacle?

latecomer said...

It doesn't appear to match the line drawing reproduction of the Brooklyn Tabernacle shown on page 48 of "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose".

Mike Castro said...


Here is a picture. That white frame on the ground level is a cross & crown symbol

There are better pictures

Ni need to post this.

Hope all goes well with your health.

latecomer said...

Thanks for posting the link to the photo, Mr. Castro. But you are aware, aren't you, that the reason given in the "Brownstoner" article as the reason for the move to Brooklyn is not supported by the information contained in WT publications?

My understanding has always been (and I have no printed source at hand) that the move was made in anticipation of an expanded worldwide work, in order to be located at the world's largest (at that time) seaport.

B. W. Schulz said...

Mike did not submit the link to engender controversy. He said it wasn't for publication, and it is my fault that it appeared here. But since it has, note that his only purpose was to provide me a photo and to wish me well.

I have not published my research into the move to Brooklyn. I will say that the reasons were complex and included more than a convenient spot from which to expand the world wide work. Until I am ready - not anytime soon, I'm certain - to publish my research, I intend this to end this discussion.

However, if one of you wished to write a well-researched article footnoted to original sources, leaving out none of the relevant material, I will consider publishing it.

latecomer said...

Thank you for clarifying for me. I didn't think Mike was trying to stir things up; my hesitation was about the about the source material of the Brownstoner article. That said, I'm content to wait for any future research.

ramblinwaymore said...

Bohnet gave an interesting story to the St. Paul Enterprise, explaining the deeper reasons for the move to New York. It’s a good read.

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