Monday, June 19, 2023


 I'm experiencing difficult health issues, most of them age related. So my research has slowed to a crawl. I have some unanswered emails. If you're waiting on a reply, consider this to be it. If you said nice things about the blog or wished me well, you have my thanks.

If you want to help, research the post- 1881 interactions between Russell and Paton. Your summary should be footnoted to sources. I need something similar for the relations between Adams and Russell, also post- 1881.

I appreciate all my volunteers. 

I have three surgeries in August. I'll be "out of service" for about two or maybe three weeks. So if you want to write a guest post, now would be a good time. Maybe a summary of everything posted to this blog about A. D. Jones?

1 comment:

Austin said...

You will be in my prayers, Bruce.

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