Thursday, July 25, 2024

17 Years

Last May was this blog's seventeenth anniversary. It has, I believe, become a valuable resource for historians and the merely curious. What do you think?


jerome said...

This blog has been most useful as a platform for research for the three Schulz and de Vienne books, as well as many other related subjects. The post made me go back over my own history. I 'met' Bruce on earlier message boards from 'Ruth Monroe' and 'George Storrs' and then I posted here from February 2010, starting with a critical review of the late Fred Zydek's sympathetic but flawed bio of CTC. Other guest posters have contributed since

Andrew said...

That it has been a valuable resource is an enormous understatement. I know many Witnesses and Bible students, myself included, who for many decades wished for information about the the early years of the Society, but became convinced that their curiosity would never be satisfied. This blog, and and the books, have given an untold amount of satisfaction to me personally. I first read Russell's works in the 1970s, and I hoped that one day I would be able to know more about him and his spiritual journey. I cannot thank Bruce and his associates enough for uncovering the real story of Russell, and caring enough to spend their time and resources to bring it to us.

ernesto spinak said...

Thanks again.
I am not a professional historian, but I greatly appreciate the work of collecting all this information that we would not otherwise have access to. On behalf of myself and my family, we hope that you continue

Bernhard said...

As the blog says: truth history. Even the smallest details in the early theocratic history are well researched. There is information to read that was the incentive to build further projects on it and thanks go to my friends Bruce and Jerome and not forgetting Rachel!

German Girl said...

Thank you all for your great work. Such a lot of detailed information one could never read anywhere else. It helps understand the history we' ve been going through. Just amazing!

Raymond S. said...

Yes, as has been said, many thanks. I'm not a professional historian but the early history of the Bible Student Movement is my passion and I have been surely enriched by the research that Bruce, Jerome and of course never forgetting Rachel have done. I've certainly benefited as have others as is testified by their own comments. I certainly hope it continues. And Bruce, all the best.

Liam C said...


Chris G. said...

Thank you for creating this blog and carefully monitoring it for content, appropriate comments etc…. No small task! It has been a labor of love for all these years. I first added some comments on the resting place of Maria Russell in St. Petersburg some years ago and have been coming back ever since.

Poor_German_Collector said...

One of the most valuable and interesting blogs existing. Some years ago I spent many days with scrolling to the beginning and start reading all texts published. However, I did not read all of them completely but I love to read your page and I´m very grateful for all hard work done in order to tell the amazing story of Bible Students. Can´t get enough to read more historical details. And to watch photos! Big hug and THANK YOU

Lars said...

Thank you Brother Schulz. I wish you Jehovah's continued blessing.

Stéphane said...

Hope I won’t be blamed for evoking a personal memory (and lingering about…).

I discovered the current blog three or four years after its creation, purely by chance, while searching for information (if my memory is good) regarding the life and work of the first president of the Watch Tower, Bro. William Conley. I remember as if it were yesterday of my total amazement as I made my way through different articles of the blog, and noticed the precision, the wealth of information, the abundance of sources and above all the constant concern for objectivity and impartiality of the different contributions of previously unknown authors, including a certain Professor Bruce and a mysterious Lady Sha’el. It was as if I saw suddenly appear two steps away a very busy road after having ignored its presence until then: now at last I was coming across the unsuspected existence of a whole group of conscientious and unprejudiced researchers (and amateurs) who were engaged in the detailed reconstitution and documentation of the early years of the Watch Tower’s work, a subject that had intrigued me for a long time.

After a few sporadic visits to the site in the months that followed (where I had to rub my eyes every time to make sure I wasn’t dreaming) I started studying it regularly, and eventually participating very modestly by sending a comment from time to time.

I would like to add my voice to that of the authors of the previous comments to reiterate their praise, and to express my constantly renewed enthusiasm for the depth, the thoroughness, the richness of the research the blog discloses; for the honesty and the complete absence of partisan bias of its analyses; and last but not least for the picture, filled of nuances, of a variety of colours and with an abundance of details, that reveals by successive touches the era to which it brings back life with its light and shadows.

To all its distinguished authors who contribute generously with their tireless research, taking over from its creators Bruce and our regretted Rachael, I express my deepest gratitude and sincere admiration.


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