Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Herald of the Morning


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this! Does anyone provide photocopies or scans of old Herald of the Morning issues?


B. W. Schulz said...

I don't think so. Most originals are fragil and not suitable for photocopying. If there is someone selling copies, I don't know it.

Anonymous said...

I have copies for all of 1879 wherein there is a little back & forth by Barbour in the issues after July

Luis said...

I now understand why Chatles T Russell in his new journal WT Zion 1879...indicated a note saying he was not responsible for his sentiments, expressed by correspondents for other newspaper articles...since nelson barbur used the name and items like book three world. And he published in his newspaper El heraldo de la maƱana after separating from Charles T rusell in 1878.

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