Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Seeking Research Material

I am in need of research material. If you have any of the following, please contact me about providing photocopies:

1. Our Rest and Signs of the Times, published in Chicago. Any issues, especially 1873-1885. Alternate title is Our Rest devoted to the subject of Christ's Second Coming and the Preparation of the Church for That Event.

2. Any booklets by Thomas Wilson, editor of Our Rest and Signs of the Times.

3. This booklet by Nelson H. Barbour: The Manner of Christ’s Coming and Our Gathering Together, Herald of the Morning, 1880.

4. Zion’s Day Star, edited by Albert D. Jones, any issues.

5. The Last Trump, edited by Hugh B. Rice

6. Arthur Prince Adams: Bible Theology, 1883. Any edition.

7. The World’s Hope, issues from 1881-1887


Anonymous said...

Zion's Day Star -I vaguely remember seeing issues of these at the Pittsburgh Public Library.

World's Hope - probably at a Michigan library, Detroit.

B. W. Schulz said...

A search of the online cat. for Pittsburgh shows no holdings of Zion's Day star.

Detroit library has some later issues. Earlier issues are part of a specialized collection and not available to me.

Thanks though.

Anonymous said...

I am quite sure that I reviewed Zion's Day Star at the Pittsburgh Public Library. They might have had only one issue. They also had the original Watch Towers, not the Reprints, for the first several years.
The World's Hope might be at the Adventist collection at Aurora University.

B. W. Schulz said...

I have located Thomas Wilson's The Great Pyramid: A Lecture Before the International Institute. I no longer need a copy of this.

I rather urgently need a copies of Our Rest or Signs of the Times magazine.

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