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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Nelson Barbour

I'm getting may referrals from Wickipedia for material on Nelson Barbour. His biography is found in the Older Posts section. There is a link at the bottom of this blog.

As it looks now, the finished book will be out in the Fall of this year.

Seeking Research Material

I need help locating volumes 3 and 5 of Paton's magazine The World's Hope.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What Russell Meant

Continuous Sermon

When announcing one of his early speaking tours, Russell wrote:

“By the above, it will be seen that the stay at each place will average about two days. I shall expect almost continuous meetings while with you.” – Zion’s Watch Tower, June 1880

Here is what he meant:

The Cato, New York Citizen: August 28, 1897

C. T. Russell, the leader of a new sect called simple “The Christians” who hails from Allegheny, Pa. delivered a continuous sermon in Park Square hall, Boston, a few days ago, lasting from down to twilight without an appreciable break. It was a remarkable performance in may respects. When he concluded he was still in good voice and spirits and some of his patient audience were left. There were several controversies with his hearers. …”

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Help with a mystery?

A Chicago newspaper ran the following on August 18, 1881. The article does not explain what the distubance actually was. Anyone in New Jersey interested enough to check the Newark newspapers for August 1881?

A New Sect
Special Dispatch to The Chicago Tribune

Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 17. – A New York telegram of yesterday gave some account of a sensation in a Newark (N. J.) church caused by the distribution of a tract entitled “Food for Thinking Christians – Why Evil was Permitted, and Kindred Topics.”

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Clinton Colegrove

I am seeking information on Clinton Colegorve. I’m interested in knowing the details of his association with Barbour.

Colegrove produced a hymnal entitled Colegrove's hymns on the second coming of Christ : the resurrection of the dead : the true nature and destiny of man : the return of Israel, and related subjects. It was published in Arcade, New York, in 1872.

He also published a booklet identifying Louis Napoleon as the antichrist in 1866 and another on the great pyramid in 1877. A brief obituary appears in The Buffalo Medical Journal of December 1906.

I'm especially interested in seeing the title page and introduction to his hymnal.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

More Help!

An early reader of Zion's Watch Tower in the Newark, New Jersey, area was R. Wakefield. He also wrote an article for Zion's Watch Tower refuting "the no-ransom" theories. I need help identifying him.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I need copies of the Millenarian published by George M. B. Myers from 1883 to 1890.
hotocopies or microfilm will do.