Thursday, May 15, 2008

What Russell Meant

Continuous Sermon

When announcing one of his early speaking tours, Russell wrote:

“By the above, it will be seen that the stay at each place will average about two days. I shall expect almost continuous meetings while with you.” – Zion’s Watch Tower, June 1880

Here is what he meant:

The Cato, New York Citizen: August 28, 1897

C. T. Russell, the leader of a new sect called simple “The Christians” who hails from Allegheny, Pa. delivered a continuous sermon in Park Square hall, Boston, a few days ago, lasting from down to twilight without an appreciable break. It was a remarkable performance in may respects. When he concluded he was still in good voice and spirits and some of his patient audience were left. There were several controversies with his hearers. …”

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