Sunday, September 28, 2008

Help Topics

I no longer need von Zech's Erklarung, Supplement to Zion's Watch Tower, December 1885, thanks to a very nice sister who mailed me a copy.

I urgently need F. W. Grant's booklet in reply to Food for Thinking Christians. I can't locate it anywhere. The details are in an earlier post.

In 1881, W. R. Covert, a Church of God Elder, challenged Russell to a debate through a letter to the editor of The Pittsburgh Dispatch. The parties couldn’t reach agreement, and in typical Church of God and Disciples fashion, he declared victory in another letter to The Dispatch.

I need help locating these articles. I have no access to The Dispatch. There are copies on microfilm, I’m told. Perhaps there is someone in Pennsylvania who is curious enough to look these up and share them?

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