Thursday, May 28, 2009

Because ...

An ugly bit of propaganda is out there trying to distort the facts:

At Russell’s urging evangelization was renewed, and The Herald of the Morning was restarted, first as a quarterly and then as a semi-monthly. In later years Barbour would suggest that Russell tried to steal The Herald from him. In fact, in the earliest issues of the resuscitated Herald Barbour acknowledged Russell’s part ownership by including a box, usually on page four, that said, “Published at Rochester, N. Y., by C. T. Russell and H. H. Barbour.”

Ownership and publication details were reported to Rowell’s American Newspaper Directory, doubtless by Barbour himself since Rowell sought information directly from the publications he listed. The Herald of the Morning's entry in Rowell’s 1879 edition reads: “Established 1873; N. H. Barbour editor; C. T. Russell and N. H. Barbour, publishers.” In this light one must conclude that Russell had at least a half ownership of The Herald.


JimSpace said...

Is this post from a book or notes of yours?

B. W. Schulz said...

This is from our Nelson Barbour book, which, you'll be happy to know (I hope) is in final type setting.

We've had to change our publication plans to accomodate our finances. The book will be available only through

anotherpaul said...

Interesting information. The search for truth, prior to a time when it was to be known, is of interest.

anotherpaul said...

After reading some of your blog, I am curious.

Who is your intended audience?

Who do you feel will be most interested in the information and why?

There is no question you have done a great deal of research on the history and presented it in a well written manner.

B. W. Schulz said...

I'm not sure I have an 'intended audience.' I started the blog to attract anyone with an interest in early Watch Tower history.

The blog seems to attract a mixture of people. People with various perspectives and beliefs come here.

I don't care what my readers' belief system is. Everyone is welcome as long as they behave.

In the time the blog has been up, I've only blocked six posts. The issue is never a difference of opinion, but it's a behavior issue. If you call names, insult others, or rant, you're not welcome here. I won't post propaganda. Other than that, all comments are welcome.

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