Saturday, May 15, 2010

New material re Barbour and Adams

Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser. August 29, 1881

A Religious National Convention.

The national convention of the “Church of the Kocklesia,” [sic] members of which believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ, began in the Church of the Strangers yesterday, about seventy-five persons from out of town attending. Three meetings were held yesterday, Dr. N. H. Barbour conducting the services. The sacrament of the Lord ’s Supper was administered in the afternoon, and an address was delivered by William P. Adams of Beverly, Massachusetts, in which he explained the faith of the church. Members of the church calculate that the beginning of the end of the world will commence in October next.

Note: Obviously the reporter was innatentive. For Kocklesia read Ecclesia. He got A. P. Adams' name wrong too. But still interesting.

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