Monday, May 24, 2010

Solving a puzzle

The claim is sometimes made in print that Russell exhibited at the Centenial Exhibition in 1876. We looked through every list of exhibitors we could find and came up with a blank. Ton pointed us to May 8, 1892 Pittsburgh Dispatch which says the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Allegheny was on the list of exhibitors at the World's Columbian Exhibition in Chicago that year.

I think the two events have been confused in oral tradition.

Also the name "Old Quaker Store" is slightly in error. A legal notice in the Dispatch of Sept 18, 1892, names it as the Quaker Shirt Store and says its motto was "Truth, Fair Dealing and Low Prices."

Thanks Ton!


Anonymous said...

Bruce, my fault in the email:
Clipping says store, not shop.


Anonymous said...

Bruce, i was too fast: Clipping says store, conv report said shop. skip my comment, please.

JimSpace said...

Hi Bruce. The new history DVD has the Russells' store named "J. L. Russell & Son Gents' Furnishing Goods". I noticed this is in harmony with some comments on your blog:

Anonymous said...
"J L Russell and Son" appears in the World's Crisis or Advent Christian Times. According to my recollection the store was called "Men's Furnishing Goods."
(second comment)

Anonymous said...
It is true that Russell's name did appear in the Advent Christian Times. It often appeared as J L Russell & Son. Charles T. Russell was a business partner with his father.
(4th comment)

Have you seen this DVD yet?

B. W. Schulz said...

The Old Quaker Store was a separate store. J. L. Russell & Son represented the partnership between Charles and his father. The Old Quaker store was a partnership with another individual.

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