Thursday, June 3, 2010

We Need to See This ...

With the January/February 1882 issue of Zion's Watch Tower, Russell sent as a supplement a combined pamphlet that included both Tabernacle Teachings and Food for Thinking Christians. We would like to see the title page. Anyone have this? If you do, a scan of the title page would be helpful.


Brian said...

Back about 1993, a collector from Rhode Island showed me a copy of this book and allowed me to photocopy the title page of the Tabernacle and It's Teachings portion of it, as well as the closing (back cover) of Food For Thinking Christians, as my original of that booklet was missing the back cover. The front cover of the combined book, to my best recollection, only consisted of the cover for Food For Thinking Christians with no reference to the second book's title. It appeared as two books bound together.

Anonymous said...

Back about 1993, a collector from Rhode Island showed me a copy of this book and allowed me to photocopy the title page of the Tabernacle and It's Teachings portion of it, as well as the closing (back cover) of Food For Thinking Christians, as my original of that booklet was missing the back cover. The front cover of the combined book, to my best recollection, only consisted of the cover for Food For Thinking Christians with no reference to the second book's title. It appeared as two books bound together.

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