Thursday, August 19, 2010

We need help with German language translation

Anyone? An article from 1898. Please.

We probably only need this paragraph translated:

Eine ähnliche Sekte, die sich in neuerer Zeit aus Amerika hieher verbreitet und ihre eifrigen Anhänger, z. Th. selbst unter schweizerischen Predigern, besitzt, ist die eines gewissen Charles Russell, dessen Buch «Millennial Dawn» die gleichen, etwas phantastischen Vorstellungen von einer baldigen, oder sogar schon jetzt vorhandenen «Wiederkunft Christi» enthält.
In Wien fand Ende August ein internationaler Al1Katholikenkongress von grossen Dimensionen statt.


Sherlock(JW1983) said...

A similar sect, which has spread in recent times here from America and its devotees, for even under the Th Swiss preachers, possesses, that of a certain Charles Russell, whose book "Millennial Dawn" the same, somewhat fantastic ideas of a early, or even already
existing "second coming of Christ includes. In Vienna, took place in late August, an international Al1Katholikenkongress of large dimensions.

Phantom said...

Something is not right. It must be:
In Vienna, took place in late August, an international convention from the Old-Catholics of large dimensions.

Phantom said...

In Vienna, took place in late August, an international convention from Old-Catholics of large dimension.

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