Friday, September 3, 2010

Early Work in China

I'm rewriting the conclusion to our chapter on the early missionary work in China to accomodate new information. I could use some help with the following:

1. The Watch Tower Society published something called "Ming Yu Bao" in 1913. It was sent to Chinese Christians in the United States and in China "accompanied by the statement that the paper will be sent free to anyone sending his address to the publishers."

What does "Ming Yo Bao" mean in English? Does anyone have a copy of this? Have you even seen one?

2. In 1913 an organization called "Bible Study Club" issued a paper entitled Bible Study. Copies were sent to foreign missionaries, including those in China with a letter signed V. Nobel, secretary. This organization was run by the Pastor Russell Lecture Bureau. We need to see a copy of any relevant material. Anyone?

1 comment:

Tyler said...

Without seeing the characters, it is not possible to give an accurate translation of Ming Yu Bao. My best guess would be that it is Ming 明 Yu 煜 (which individually both mean brightness or light) and bao 报 means "report"
(the word bao was used in in many later publications such as "Consolation"(安慰报 An Wei Bao) published in Shanghai in the 40s.)

If you have found a photo of Ming Yu Bao, please email it to me if its convenient.
Thanks very much for your work.

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