Wednesday, December 26, 2012

More Horace Randle

From an eight page tract published in London by Horace Randle in 1901.
You can see his picture and read details of his acceptance of Millennial Dawn further down this blog.


jerome said...

Checking out the address on Horace’s tract in the 1901 census returns, the transcript provided through the Genealogist reads Horace A Randle, aged 46, born in Cheltenham, Glos. Head of family – occupation: Medical Missionary Decenter (sic) Christian. With him were his wife Ellen, aged 49, born in St Johns Wood, London, and son Arnold B Randle, aged 16, born in China, working as a clerk, Brickworks Engineers.

However, checking the original census return, instead of ‘Medical Missionary Decenter Christian’ it reads (as I decipher it) ‘Medical Missionary and Preacher, Millennial Dawn Christian.’ That’s a bit more like it.

On census night they have a visitor, Mary Boyd, aged 35, “living on own means” who comes from the same birth place as Ellen.

jerome said...

In the 1911 census Horace is living at Salford, Lancashire, (from where he published a short lived magazine). He is listed as married, but is living at the home of his younger sister, Florence Randle, who is single and a school teacher. In the same household is Horace’s mother, Harriet, aged 79, and two of his brothers. Horace lists his occupation as Medical Missionary formerly of China, retired.

Ton Hollander said...

I wonder whether the publication found at website

is from this H A Randle too?


Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

yes, that's by Randle. It came from a magazine article published before he read millennial dawn.

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