Tuesday, May 21, 2013

S. O. Blunden and other matters.

In early to mid 1888 Blunden was arrested in Harrisburg, PA, for handing out tracts in from of a Methodist church. We would like to see original records of some sort. We can't find them. Anyone?

We need a public domain photo of City Gospel Tent, New York City, as it looked between 1885 and 1890.

We need any records of "New Church of Brooklyn." It was in existance in 1892-1893. A photo would be stellar.

We need copies of any letters from or to or among Bible Students in the period before 1916, no matter how unimportant they may seem. Anyone?


roberto said...

Almost all the letters between Italian Bible Students, before the year 1916, are available. But I don't think it's notable for your work.

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

I don't read Italian, Roberto. But it's a nice thought.

Ton Hollander said...

The Gospel tent as it looked like in 1876 is here, but you'll know that



Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

Thanks, Ton!

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

I don't think that's the right one. The New York Herald of July 14, 1889, has him speaking at The City Temple Gospel Tent on 85th Street, between Avenue A and Avenue B.

Ton Hollander said...

Okay, but a tent is a tent, and could be broken down and rebuild (probably happened every winter?) and NY was growing very fast these days.
No further tenst found before the twenties or so

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