Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Blog visitors

We get many visitors, but few leave comments. Some feedback would be nice, even if it is something like, "I read your post. I really [liked/hated] it because ..."


roberto said...

I'd like to read more comments from readers all around the world, especially from American or British people. Unfortunately most Italian readers speak, read, and write English with difficulties. Maybe more pictures could be stumulatings for them and others.

At last: I really like your posts because I haven't found something better until now.

Well done Bruce and Rachael. Go on!

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog as the result of a comment on another comment board. Obviously there is already a wealth of information here so I have quite a bit of catching up to do. I appreciate the straight-forward manner in which the information is provided and, as a history buff, I really appreciate the old photographs. No matter the subject, photographs from the distant past seem to show a cleaner and purer world. I'm also happy to find someone that writes from the perspective of common interests as myself, e.g. pixies and Germany. I plan to visit frequently to read new postings and to catch up on the old.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from GReece here
I enjoyed reading your posts about the old hymn book " Hymns of the millennial DAwn"
I hope you post some more information on the old WAtchTower songbooks!
Your blog is a real treasure!
Good work
God bless

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