Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Preaching Tour

In September 1880, Russell returned from a preaching tour that took him to the American Mid-West. He summarized it in a short paragraph. See below. We don't have names to associate with the visits to Lapeer, Belle River, Broackway Center and Detroit. Can you help?

We have returned, having spent very pleasantly, and we hope profitably, two weeks with little bands of waiting ones. As usual we found them very loving ones, partakers to a marked degree of the element of the divine nature – love. We visited Elyria and Cleveland, Ohio, and Lapeer, Almont, Belle River, Brockway Center, and Detroit, Mich. To most of them we were strangers in the flesh “unknown and yet well known,” for we had all drank of the water from the same spiritual rock – Christ. We want to visit all the dear flock that we may know them, and will be ready for another trip during October


Ton Hollander said...

This is a riddle, with not too much information, I'd sayThere is very little information, and only guesses can be made.

But Avis Hamlin lived in Elyria
"who has spent seventy years in Elyria"
"Coming to Elyria in the late '40's"

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

Avis Hamlin's bio is in volume 1

Ton Hollander said...

Keith's second marriage with Kathryn A or L Sloan, daughter of James Sloan and Cheryl Hefflefinger, was in Lapeer in 1883 as you know. Perhabs they were hosts; how else Keith would hav found a second wife so soon?
Wife one died May 6 1883, second marriage Dec 24, 1883

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