Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Has anyone read ...

Has anyone read the post on the private blog? Seems to me that it's worth at least one comment.

Bruce and I expend a considerable amount of work and personal treasure to research Watch Tower history. While we know this is a "low-interest" subject, it seems to me that at least one out of all those who have reading privileges there would say something.

The private blog exists so those with more than usual interest can see more deeply into our current research and contribute at least a comment. If no-one comments, then there is no reason for it to continue. Up to you, folks.

What can you do? Try this:

1. If there is something you don't understand, ask a question. We won't know we've confused you unless you say so.

2. If you know something relevant, tell us. Don't presume we know or have something. We might, of course, but we might not. It takes little effort to tell us about something.

3. You like a bit of our research as posted on blog 2? Tell us you like it and why. It helps us to know why you might like something we wrote. We pursue areas where others make comments. Sometimes that opens up an entirely new area. Sometimes it leads to a blank wall. But better to know what interests our readers than not know.

4. Do your own research. Share it, especially if you find something new or different or see something in a new light. A recent conversation with a professor of history at a nearby university (she's part of a meet for coffee group) has led us to reassess the phrase "secularization" as it relates to late 19th Century western culture. It won't result in a huge change to volume 2, but it will make a change, and make things clearer. She's writing a book. She shared elements of her research over lemon cake and coffee. Her casual comments helped. You can do that too.


Ton Hollander said...


jerome said...

Normally I would fire away a comment, but you have just caught me with an intensive workload for the next couple of days. It's a lack of time to read material carefully, not any lack of interest. In a few weeks' time I will be reclining on a long Amtrak journey into history with plenty of time to read and comment.

What I will say in passing is that, getting the first book out, seems to have spurred you on to further intensive work for volume two - and that is all to the good.

Anonymous said...

I have been busy fielding all the comments and questions on my web sites and blogs - but promise to comment on here soon.

Anonymous said...

i read your blog at lest once a day
i have your two books I have sent you email this month with older letters thank you for your work
you were going to send me some photo
i have other letter when i can find them agape R.L

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