Thursday, May 15, 2014


This is an update of sorts. Separate Identity continues to sell though slowly. If you read it and liked it, you can help by leaving a review on and by recommending it to your friends.

            We’ve located the Russell v. Brooklyn Eagle transcript. Very little in it adds to our research for volume two of Separate Identity, but it is interesting. And if we write the third book in this series, it will be important. My first impression, having read it quickly, is that Russell should have won his lawsuit.

            I’ve located the A. D. Jones divorce records. We will send for those. If you wish to donate to defray the expense, there is a donation button on the private blog, or you may email me for details.

            Returning to the Eagle trial: The one thing that will show up in volume two is detail on how the earliest traveling evangelists functioned. A new name appears, though he’s not on the stage in the era covered by S. Ident. He’s a German Evangelical pastor who left the Lutheran Church to evangelize Watch Tower teaching. While he’s not a factor in the era we’re writing about, his testimony gives us details we could only surmise.

            I complain about lack of comments here. I would still like to see more, even if they’re something like, “I read this site regularly and find it helpful.” But … I spend time on other history blogs not related to our research. One is run by historians whose names you might recognize if you read American social history. It’s a very professionally done blog. They get no more comments than we do. In a back-sided way, this makes me feel better.

            But I’d still like to see more comments.

            Mr. Schulz has a short hospital stay coming up. It’s not serious. I have eye surgery toward the end of June. That’s a bit more serious. So if we grow quiet for a prolonged time, you’ll know why.

            If you’re inclined to play detective, we’re still researching the earliest evangelists. In a week or so, I’ll post a partial chapter to the private blog. It will give those who read that some insight into our current research.


Ton Hollander said...

I hope you two recover soon. I feel lonely on the Net without the two of you.
I'm curious to know the "rediscovered" evangelist.
You know I researched some early names, and if you send me (in this blog or by email) the names of others, I can see what I can do about them.
Take care!

Anonymous said...

reading your new book for the second time so much to take in can not wait for the next one

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