Saturday, July 19, 2014

Research assistance

If you’re so inclined, we have several areas of real need. We need help finding some things, and for others we do not have funds to pursue them.

We’ve located a run of A. D. Jones’ paper. It’s the last year of publication, and it’s oversized. The only way to duplicate it is by expensive microfilm. The cost is over three hundred dollars. The best approach would be for someone in the Washington, D. C. area to visit the library and turn pages seeking relevant material. Then only that would need duplication, some of which could be done by hand.       

Jones tried to duplicate Russell’s mass circulation of Food for Thinking Christians. We have very little record of that. We could use more detail. We have only one issue of Day Star earlier than 1886. We need the first two years. They seem not to exist. If you have them, tell us.

We have a solid, representative collection of World’s Hope, Paton’s magazine. We would like a complete run. If you have any issues, please let us know the dates.

Early evangelism is a key part of this story. Details and biographies are helpful. Even though Separate Identity focuses on the years up to 1887, workers who entered the field after that period are important too. If you want to pursue that and pass information to us, we would appreciate it greatly. This was Ton’s last project. I am still mourning Ton and miss his daily emails.

The Watch Tower message entered Norway, Germany, and (we think) Italy far earlier than the Yearbook histories suggest. We need details. These are hard for us to find, probably easier for someone in Europe to find. Anyone? This will require patient and inventive search. The message reached Australia in 1881, Singapore in 1882 at least. We have few details. The work entered Ireland in 1881. We have one real reference from outside the Watch Tower. We’d like more detail.

The message entered Liberia in 1884. We have one original document. There are many letters in a library of congress archival file. Finding pertinent letters requires a visit. We can’t afford that. If you live in the area, and want to take on some really intense research, contact me.

Pittsburgh clergy opposed Russell. Some of this is documented in Pittsburgh papers. We do not have access. This search would take patient page turning. The papers are on microfilm. This is best done by someone in the Pittsburgh area. We can offer some research guidance.

Tracts and pamphlets written to refute Russell are rare before 1910. We can use any anti-Russell tracts published before 1920, but especially need those from his first years.

We are seeking the location of Disciples of Christ archives for West Virginia and Virginia. There does not seem to be a central repository.
Never assume we know what you know. We might, but we might not. Tell us, if you have an interesting bit of detail.


jerome said...

Any visitors in the Washington DC area be warned that you will not immediately be able to access the A D Jones material. Some friends of mine had a 4 day vacation in Washington DC and at my behest visited the library. Yes, the material was there, but it still hadn't come through from the stacks by the time they had to fly home.

roberto said...

"The Watch Tower message entered Norway, Germany, and (we think) Italy far earlier than the Yearbook histories suggest".

For Italy and Italians see ZWT 1885 reprint page 771 (interesting letter from argentine), and ZWT 1885 page 807 (interesting letter from New Orleans).

I am working on the subject.

roberto said...

I wronged an issue:
It is not ZWT 1185 pg 807, but ZWT 1886 page 847 (Watch Tower 1879-1916 Text version)

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