Saturday, October 18, 2014

On being liked ...

One of our regular blog readers had his copy of Separate Identity hardbound. ... I'm flattered.


jerome said...

I thought for a moment that the bottom of the cover carried the owner's name, but a closer inspection reveals "volume one."

roberto said...

Maybe "Volume" is the name and "One" the surname, or vice versa.
Who knows?

Chris G. said...

Very nice binding. Any chance of sharing who did the work? C. Gross

roberto said...

Hi, C. Gross,
I spent 25 euros for the binding. Maybe a bookbinding near you can make the same work. If you want more information ask my e-mail address to Rachael, Bruce, or Jerome.

Unknown said...

Wow! We need this book

Unknown said...

Tell me how to get it!

jerome said...

For WAR - click on the Lulu link by the picture on the main page (left hand column). You will also need the Nelson Barbour book.

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