Saturday, January 31, 2015

Separate Identity

Sales from Amazon show up slowly. Amazon is slow to pay, pays poorly, and, frankly, I detest their staff. This has become a deeply personal loathing. But after two months, they do seem to have fixed our issues, other than the unfair profit grab.

A Separate Identity’s sales rank has changed dramatically. Last month we were three-million-something in rank. Today we’re three hundred thousand and something. Because Amazon is slow to report sales, we’ve seen none of this reflected in our royalties report. If you buy our book, buy it from

Amazon mistreats authors. 

Our ranking on lulu has improved dramatically. This is good. But sales are still slow. We finance our research from sales. Original research is often expensive. If you like our books, tell others about them.  

We appreciate everyone who reads this blog and our books.


Semer said...

I'll probably buy an electronic copy as a back up, since my paper book is coming unbound. If it's a general problem you might take it into account for your next book.
Unless it's a deliberate strategy to sell more. ;-)

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

It's not available as an ebook. sorry. If it was poorly bound and you can't simply reglue it, contact Assuming you bought it through the printer.

If Amazon, you may have a more difficult time. They should both replace a defective binding.

jerome said...

Sorry to hear that Semer's copy is coming unbound. It must have been well used. I had a very early copy from Lulu and it has been well used but remains intact, so Semer's may well be a rogue one. Whoever named a glued spine as "perfect binding" in the book trade deserves to be charged under the trade's description act.

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