Monday, March 2, 2015

Blog content

This is in response to a comment on Jerome’s article. 

The research mantle has not fallen on Jerome. If Bruce and I  were for some reason to end our project, we would take this blog down. Bruce remains in active control of our project. We continue to write and research, though none of the recent results are solid enough to appear here. 

Jerome follows his own interests. He is free to post what ever he wants as long as it’s relevant to early Watch Tower history.  

Presumptions are ‘iffy” and most often wrong.


jerome said...

One of the best researchers this site ever had was Ton. I am sure Bruce and Rachael would agree. He could find things that I never could – even though I’d looked in all the same places. He was a very generous and helpful man who willingly shared what he found and was never bothered about any credit. I enjoyed my correspondence with him immensely.

My personal aim is to contribute to this project – which firmly belongs to Bruce and Rachael – by trying to research things they want, and throw in a few oddments of my own as fillers at times. (They have to stick to the discipline of writing a themed history – whereas I can have the irresponsibility of being a seed picker - see Strongs 4691 if you haven’t a clue what I’m talking about). But I wish that more readers would do research and then share that research for the era being covered.

So credit where credit is due – just re-read the Nelson Barbour book and the first volume of Separate Identity. And I hope it will not be too long before sample chapters of the next volume start reappearing here again for our benefit.

roberto said...


Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

Ton [Antonius] was a true Christian and a good friend. He was an excellent researcher. He emailed me almost every day and we became close. I will miss Ton forever.

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