Friday, August 14, 2015


We are still busy with the textbooks we agreed to write, but research continues. We now believe that Nelson Barbour had another wife, and that the marriage took place in 1859-1860. We think her name was Mary W. Barbour.

We do not have time to pursue this now, but if one of you would, it would make our lives a lot less stressful.

Black line is in the original image. Click image to view all.


jerome said...

Let me say first of all, I would love there to be another wife for Nelson Barbour to be discovered. However, using the search terms White Plains and Westchester and Nelson Barbour, I found further cuttings that seem to relate to the same legal matters as your cutting - only mine relate to November 1858 and January 1859; whereas the cutting you reproduce relates to July 1860. The only problem with all of this is that according to Nelson's brief autobiography in Midnight Cry he was in Australia in the late 1850s and traveled back from there the long way around to arrive in London in 1860, and America thereafter. So on that basis I suspect that the Nelson Barbour in the cutting is not our man. There are several people of that name around at the time including one who died in the civil war in 1862. I thought at one point trawling through that there may have been an extra generation with our Nelson listed as Nelson Barbour II. But alas, the II was a mistranscription of his middle initial H.

But yes, another wife for Nelson would be a find. Let's all keep looking.

Semer said...

Talking of this, I think it might be a good idea if those of us who purchased the book about Barbour had a list of updated information to write down on our margins.

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