Tuesday, February 2, 2016

OCR Newspaper article - 1914

In Ocean Grove Police Get After New Doctrine preacher BUT GOOD FOLK SHOWER $20 BILLS UPON HIM

"Millennial Dawnism" Gets in Hands of Blue Coats While Originator of the Doctrine Gets Hand Much Coin Pastor Talks on.

New York, July 1. What if the police were called out yesterday to escort out of Ocean Grove, N, J., the disciples of Pastor Russell when they tried to distribute pamphlets on "Millennial Dawnism" in front of the Tabernacle after a meeting in that stronghold of Methodism.

What if the police herded and hustled the Russelites all the way to the Ik'ck Street bridge and seeing them over it into Asbury Park? Pastor Russell he should worry! ' "The objection," Pastor Russell said when seen at Asbury Park after, the rout of his evangelists, "to my association by the, Ocean Grove pastors and others in opposition to me over the country is that I tell the truth that they do not dare tell and I get money without taking; a contribution. It keeps coming in to me. "

"For instance" be drew forth an envelope, ripped it open and extracted five $20 bills, which he slipped into his waistcoat pocket forthwith "There you are now. That's the way we get them every day. I don't take collections. The spirit of need and help prevails in my association;- There is a true spirit of giving. This is what irks the ministers; they don’t get much voluntary gifts. That is the chief reason for their dislike of me."

In the course of the interview the question came up whether Pastor Russell had been separated from his wife. "Oh, yes," said he, "she left me twenty years ago. She tried to get too much space for her writings in our publication and we had to cut her off. That's what made her leave me. We are better off without her.

Escort Pastor Russell Out

July 1, 1914

Greenwood Daily Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina · Page 1

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