Monday, March 14, 2016

From the Chanute Daily Tribune - the continuing saga of S D Rogers

The Chanute Daily Tribune for January 1, 1904 page 7

As a prequel to the cutting Rachael posted here a few days ago about S D Rogers, this is how his problems seem to have started in Chanute, Kansas, in late 1903. You will not be able to read anything from the above graphic, but below is a transcription of the OCR from two issues of the paper. The title “Rev” Rogers appears to be self-styled, his focus on a “new method” of preaching the gospel carries echoes of his behaviour in Britain in 1893, and he either had a penchant for pretty girls, or was somewhat accident prone. Perhaps the most important detail it adds is that he had come from Vassar, MI.

Starting with the December 31, 1903 issue:


City Marshall Pronounces an Artistic Anathema Upon Bogus Minister Who Insults a Girl

Marshall Allen today arrested a nomad who represented himself to be an evangelist with a new method of spreading the gospel.

 The fellow panhandled several men about town for money to aid the cause, among them D H Fisher, landlord of the Oriental Hotel. He afterward made an offensive proposal to one of the young ladies employed at the Oriental and Mr Fisher notified the marshal, who arrested the fellow and took him to the police court. On examination he gave his name as Rogers, and said he belonged to no denomination, but was too broad in his views for any such petty distinctions.

The young lady whom he accosted refused to appear in police court against him because of the unpleasant publicity which the trial of the (?) would cause, and the bogus clergyman was released after a thoroughly artistic lecture by Marshal Allen, who told him what he thought of him in language which, though not altogether choice, was certainly vigorous enough for the occasion.

The next day, Rogers gave his side of the story to the paper. From the January 1, 1904 issue:


Rev. Rogers States His Side of Controversy Between Himself and City’s Police Authorities

(First paragraph too scrambled by OCR to transcribe completely)

Rev. Rogers said he was the victim of circumstances. He went to a hotel in the city and secured board and lodging when he first arrived in Chanute. He was assigned to a room in the rear of the building and along in the evening he noticed the efforts of a young lady to gain entrance to a room. He offered his services to the young lady, and helped her open the door. While they were in the hall at work on the­­­­ lock they were seen by a hotel official and the next day Marshall Allen requested Rev.Rogers to accompany him to police court.

 “This was the sum and substance of the circumstances which led to this embarrassing affair,” said Rev.Rogers this morning. “I was released because there was no reason whatever for my arrest.”
Mr Rogers’ home is in Vassar, Mich. He is at work on the compiling and publication of a work on the Bible, treating especially of the first chapters of Genesis and the book of Revelations. The work will be issued from the press some time this spring.

Note - one wonders whether his proposed book ever saw the light of day.

1 comment:

roberto said...

Very interesting Jerome!

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