Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Don't expect

Don't expect much from us for a few weeks. It's end of term and we're both busy with that.

This blog's readership is declining, and the blog appears to be irrelevant. We may not continue it. Few read it and fewer comment in a meaningful way. As I assess it, all our work since we started our book on Barbour has been a waste of time best spent on other, more important things.

If it continues past the finish of Separate Identity, vol 2, it will be without me.

R. M. de Vienne


roberto said...

Your work has never been a waste of time, and never will be. And this project without you is a nonsense. I hope you change idea dear Rachael.


Anonymous said...

I disagree entirely with your recent thoughts Rachael and feel you may be in suffering from a little discouragement. When I feel this way I have made it a habit not to make decisions, since I notice these usually turn out to be my worst decisions. Like my vehicle, I seldom perform well with a flat battery!

I'm just sorry I didn't discover the blog sooner. I agree whole-heartedly with Roberto. Your work is great, a pleasure to read. The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.

Hold the line. You will reap in due season. Starting to string out the cliches now aren't I, but ... you get the drift.

Son of Ton

Miquel Angel Plaza-Navas said...

I agree with both previous comments. Do not be discouraged. You have done a great work discovering and discussing proto-history and history of Bible Students and JWs. Your books are a good proof of your work. Please, if possible, maintain your blog.

Anonymous said...

I fully agree. Please continue! Love, German girl

Gian said...

Un grande lavoro di memoria merita riconoscimento per la dedizione con cui è stato svolto.
di fronte a tutto questo difficile trovare le parole adatte.
Il risultato di questa mole di lavoro sono la conoscenza delle nostre radici.
Forse troppo presi dal presente si pensa poco da dove siamo partiti.
Agli autori di questo grande lavoro deve andare il grazie di ogni cristiano testimone.
Non basta a ripagare la fatica ma è giusto che almeno venga un sentito Grazie.


Anonymous said...

Dear dr. De Vienne, I'm sorry for your decision. Let me tell you I really appreciate your (and your partners') work and surely no-one could ever say it has been unuseful. Probably all of us have been prompt to read, quote and use your writings, but not so prompt to express our thanks & esteems. I hope you'll change your minds. Best regards, ELL (tdgonline forum)

Simone F. said...

Hi there,
Please continue to publish, with balance.
There may also be other important activities in life, but this one is for sure not a waste of your precious time.


Simone F.

Unknown said...

Great job, thanks!

Unknown said...

cara Rachael,
non scoraggiarti troppo perché il tuo lavoro, tempo e dedizione che ci hai messo, arriva fino oltreoceano in Italia! Capisco bene il tuo stato d'animo, perché pensi che perdi tempo, ma credimi, non è affatto così!
Ti prego ripensarci, perché il tuo lavoro è importante ed è apprezzato da chi, come te, ha a cuore la storia dei Testimoni di Geova!

Unknown said...

Well I was wondering what you were going to write about Maria Russell and then Rutherford and Paul Johnson and so on

Mauro Loffredo said...

Don't stop your priceless work,please. Thank you for your accurate and faithful research!

Anonymous said...

Sad news. I'm very sad. I Think to our Children when they will want to know these stories. Your work it's great. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Grazie per il lavoro che avete svolto e continuate a svolgere..
Non mollate!

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