Monday, May 2, 2016

To answer Roberto's question

Rough Draft extracted from a chapter entitled "Out of Babylon":

Called by His Name

Two issues attached to the earliest congregations and small fellowships: Their self- identity, and how outsiders identified them. Russell and many of his earliest associates came from traditions that rejected any name but Christian or some version of a Bible-based name.[1] They saw sectarianism as of the Devil. That left them nameless. Augustus Bergner told The New York Sun that he belonged “to a company of Christians who have no common name. We are not Second Adventists, and we are not the ‘Holiness’ or ‘Higher Life’ sect.”[2]
Maria Russell said that most if not all early fellowships met in homes. She spoke of the true church as “scattered all over the world, many of them standing alone, and some in little companies, often numbering only two or three, and meeting from house to house.”[3]  When Frank Draper, an early-days evangelist spoke at Glens Falls, New York, it was in the home of W. H. Gildersleeve, who was willing to invite the public into his home.[4] Somewhat later the Glens Falls meetings moved to the home of Mrs. C. W. Long, but within two years they returned to the Gildersleve home on Birch Avenue.[5] H. Samson, for a while a Watch Tower evangelist, seldom spoke in a public facility. A newspaper noted that “most of his meetings … have been held in the parlor of some member of the church.”[6] There are many other examples of home-churches, but most of that history is more suitable for the third book in this series.
Individual congregations experimented with names. Most of the congregational names that have come down to us are from outside the period we cover in these two volumes, but we should note some examples. The congregation in St. Louis, Missouri, styled itself “Seekers After Truth.”[7] The newly-formed congregation at Salem, Oregon, called itself “The Church of the Living God,” a Biblical phrase. They met in the Women’s Christian Temperance Hall.[8] Believers in Akron, Ohio, organized regular meetings in late 1902. A representative told a reporter that they “may be called Dawn Students, or members of the Church of the Living God.” Their meetings were held in the homes of members.[9] The Watch Tower congregation in Grants Pass, Oregon, also used the name.[10] The Cedar Rapids congregation used it too, as did the congregation in Saratoga, New York. W. Hope Hay, a Watch Tower representative, used it as well.[11] In Cortland, New York, they called themselves the “Church of the Living God and Church of the Little Flock.” Occasionally, gatherings were described as “a meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.”[12] Though Church of the Living God was appealing because it is derived from scripture, it was also used by a politically radical Black church, and Watch Tower congregations distanced themselves from the name.

Advertisement: Scranton Tribune¸ July 26, 1902.
Church of the Little Flock designated the congregation in Cortland, New York. When R. E. Streeter spoke there in December 1902, it was on the well used topics of “The Coming Kingdom,” and “Restitution of all Things.” An advertisement for his sermons used the Little Flock designator. He spoke in the Women’s Christian Temperance Union hall, and the congregation was still meeting there in 1904 and still using the name. Work of the North Carolina evangelists, many of whom were former clergy, bore fruit, and a small congregation formed in Nicolas County near Elizabeth City. The local paper reported: A new religious sect has been started in the wilds of Nicholas county. [sic] The New sect is called the “New Lights.” The sect is said to have arisen from the influence of Rev. Russell, of Allegheny City, where he conducts a newspaper called Zion’s Watch Tower. The members of the New Light sect profess to believe there is no hell.”[13] The New Light name was reused in West Virginia.

Illustration here

As noted, when the Scranton, Pennsylvania, congregation was formed they used the name The Watch Tower Bible Class.[14] When Russell spoke there, the press release used adjective laden phrasing: “Readers and students of the ‘Millennial Dawn’ series and all others who are interest in the subject of the pre-millennial advent.” When the Richmond, Indiana, congregation was organized by J. G. Wright, a Watch Tower “pilgrim,” it was called The Millennial Dawn Society.[15] A meeting-time announcement for the Richmond, Virginia, congregation called them Believers in the Dawning Millennium. They met Sundays in Marshal Hall on East Broad Street.[16] The announcement did not capitalize as we have, and the name seems more of a description of belief than a title. Using some form of “Millennial Dawn” in advertisements resulted in some calling them “Millennial Dawners.”[17] In Elmira, New York, they were the Millennial Dawn Bible Class.[18] In Flushing, New York, they were “the Millennial Dawn Society.”[19] In December 1900, Russell spoke to the congregation in Washington, D. C. The newspaper ad described them as “Millennial Dawn and Zion’s Watch Tower friends.”

The Washington, D.C., Evening Times, December 1, 1900.

When a Watch Tower convention was held in Philadelphia in June 1900, they described themselves as Believers in the Atonement through the Blood of Christ.[20] A convention held in Denver, Colorado, in 1903 was of “Believers in the Second Coming.”[21] When Russell addressed a convention in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1898, they were simply called the “Believers.” The abbreviation “Believers” was used again the next year in Boston.[22] Watch Tower conventions continued to use the “Believers” designation until about 1908. A convention held at Manchester, England, the last two days of 1906 and the first two days of 1907 billed itself as “the Convention of Believers in the Ransom for all.” A convention held in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1906 was for “Believers in the Atonement Sacrifice of Christ.” This was used again at Indianapolis, Indiana; Niagara Falls, New York; and Norfolk, Virginia, in 1907. It was used in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1908. A convention held at Put-in-Bay, Ohio, in 1908 was designated a “Bible Student’s Convention,” but the invitation was to “all believers in the ransom for all.” Afterwards most conventions were “Bible Student’s Conventions.”[23]

Illustration here
The Courtland, New York, Standard
November 29, 1902.

            In Albany, New York, Believers in the Restitution met in Fredrick J. Clapham’s home at 288 First Street. Earlier, at least one meeting was held in a “Bro. Fletcher’s home.”[24] Elsewhere the name Millennial Dawn Readers was used.[25] In Omaha, Nebraska, a newspaper called them Believers, without saying what they believed.[26] When a one-day convention featuring C. T. Russell and C. A. Owen, “the local minister,” was announced for Indianapolis, Indiana, they use a long descriptor instead of a pithy name, calling themselves “believers on the lines of Millennial dawn [sic], and of the ransom of the whole human race by the blood of Jesus Christ.”[27]
            The Cincinnati, Ohio, congregation advertised meetings as The Church of Believers. In 1891 they met at 170 Walnut Street, Room 8, for “instruction and fellowship.”[28] In late 1891, J. B. Adamson held weekly meetings there. Russell reported that Adamson had circulated “about 4000 Millennial Dawns,” adding that Adamson and wife “have done and are doing a good work –gathering ripe wheat and witnessing to others. Sunday Meetings held by Brother A. help to water the good word of present truth which he scatters during the week by circulating MILLENNIAL DAWN.”[29] By May 1892 the Cincinnati Believers were meeting at 227 Main Street, and inviting people to “free lectures on present truths, in accord with the Bible, explained by Millennial Dawn.” The Believer’s advertisement said that “these lectures show the grand harmony of our Creator’s plan of the ages, the high calling and the restitution of all.”[30]
            Adamson found interest in a “Dr. A _____.”[31] While we can’t identify him more specifically, he testified to others in the Cincinnati medical community. An advertisement in the December 27, 1894, Enquirer placed by a W. Val Stark read: “I should like to meet a young man familiar with the ‘Millennial Dawns’ who desires to actively further their notice on the churches.”[32] Stark gave his address as 44 West 9th Street, the address of the Cincinnati Sanitarium, a private hospital treating insanity and addiction. Despite a fairly large circulation of Millennial Dawn volumes, the congregation remained small. In 1902, thirty-seven were present for the annual communion celebration; eleven of these were newly interested.[33]
            At Los Angeles, California, in 1899 they advertised themselves as The Gospel Church (Millennial Dawn). By 1902 they were using Millennial Dawn Readers, and in 1903 they were Millennial Dawn Friends. There are several examples of Russell suggesting that they were The Christians. For instance, when he spoke for an extended period on Boston Commons in 1897, The Cato, New York, Citizen described him as “the leader of a new sect called simply ‘The Christians.’”[34] An invitation for a Watch Tower meeting late in 1901, described it as “a convention of believers in the great redemption sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”[35] When the Flint, Michigan, congregation listed itself in the newspaper church directory it was as “Zion’s Watchtower People.”[36] In Warfdale, England, they called themselves The Church of Christ. The London Daily News said they were more commonly known as “Millennial Dawn.”[37]

The Los Angeles Herald, December 31, 1899.

The Los Angeles Herald, July 4, 1902.

The Los Angeles Herald, May 10, 1903

The Los Angeles Herald, November 8, 1903

            Outsiders were pressed to find descriptors. When Sam Williams, one of the organizers of the Huston, Texas, congregation preached there in 1903, The Huston Daily Post described the movement as “those of Mr. Williams’ faith,” attaching no other name. Earlier The Post described it as Millennial Dawn faith.[38] The 1912 Morrison and Fourmy Directory of Houston listed them as Millennial Dawn Church. This difficulty continued for some years.

[1]               This is true of Russell for the decade he associated with Age-to-Come believers.
[2]               Churchgoers Astonished: The New York Sun, August 15, 1881.
[3]               M. F. Russell: Discipline in the Church, Zion’s Watch Tower, July 1887, page 4.
[4]               Extracts from the Bible, The Glens Falls, New York, Morning Star¸ November 11, 1897. According to the 1870 Census, William H. Gildersleeve was born in New York about 1842, or according to the 1892 New York State Census he was born near 1837. [Census record birth dates often conflict.] He seems to have been related to H. H. Gildersleeve, a cigar manufacturer in Glens Falls. In April 1884, a devastating fire broke out in rental space in a building he owned. [New York Times, April 29, 1884.] A newspaper article [Glens Falls Morning Star¸ January 22, 1895] notes him as prominent in the Methodist Episcopal Church.
[5]               Untitled notices, The Glens Falls, New York, Morning Star, June 26, 1899 and October 21, 1901.
[6]               Untitled notice, The Washington, D. C., Evening Star, August 18, 1900.
[7]               Hypnotism Thinks Boy’s Father, The Cincinnati Enquirer, May 17, 1907.
[8]               All Are Welcome to Attend, Salem, Oregon, Daily Capital Journal, November 2, 1900.
[9]               Dawn Students, a New Religious Sect, In Akron, The Akron, Ohio, Daily Democrat, January 17, 1902.
[10]             Free Lecture, The Grants Pass, Oregon, Rogue River Courier, March 17, 1904. The announcement was inserted by J. O. Sandberg. His first name may have been John. We are uncertain at this time.
[11]             Untitled notice: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Evening Gazette, March 20, 1901. Untitled notice: The Ithaca, New York, Saratogan¸ January 18, 1902.
[12]             Untitled announcements, The Utica, New York, Press, March 21 and 28, 1902.
[13]             The Elizabeth City, North Carolina, Falcon, Oct. 12, 1888.
[14]             Hessler was born about 1848. The 1880 Census tells us that he was widowed. He subsequently remarried. He was a cabinet maker, and later a contractor. Advertisements for his remodeling and cabinet and flooring business appear in the Scranton Tribune [eg. October 7, 1898, and June 5, 1899 issues].
[15]             End of the World in 1914, The Brazil, Indiana, Weekly Democrat, October 17, 1912.
[16]             The Millennium, The Richmond, Virginia, Times, June 7, 1902.
[17]             Sermon by Pastor Russell, The Bolivar, New York, Breeze, March 11, 1915.
[18]             Millennial Dawn Bible Class, The Elmira, New York, Evening Telegram¸ April 14, 1906.
[19]             Consigned to a Private Hospital, The Cincinnati, Ohio, Enquirer, June 13, 1904.
[20]             Believers in Atonement Services, The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Inquirer¸ June 18, 1900. This name was used for several conventions. Another example is, also from Philadelphia, is mentioned in The Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sentinel, December 30, 1902.
[21]             Millennium in Sight, The Brooklyn, New York, Daily Eagle, July 12, 1903.
[22]             “Believer in Session,” The Omaha, Nebraska, Daily Bee, October 3, 1898; National Believers’ Convention, The Duluth, Minnesota, Labor World, December 23, 1899.
[23]             See the convention reports for those locations and years.
[24]             His Second Coming, The Albany, New York, Evening Journal, May 28, 1900. Various New York State Census records tell us Clapham was born in England between 1833 and 1834. He was a shoemaker. We do not know to what degree Clapham was interested in the Watch Tower message. A newspaper report from 1906 noted that he faithfully attended the Tabernacle Baptist Church “every Sunday but one in seven years.” [Albany Evening Journal, June 11, 1906.] We cannot identify Fletcher.
[25]             Notice, The Minneapolis, Minnesota, Journal, February 18, 1905.
[26]             Untitled notice, The Omaha, Nebraska, Daily Bee, August 23, 1899.
[27]             Millennial Dawn, The Indianapolis, Indiana, Journal, July 13, 1902.
[28]             Advertisement, The Cincinnati, Ohio, Enquirer, November 1, 1891.
[29]             C. T. Russell: Harvest Laborers: Pray for Them, Zion’s Watch Tower, February 15, 1892, page 50.
[30]             See announcement in the May 4, 1892, Cincinnati Enquirer.
[31]             See Adamson’s letter to Russell in Extracts from Interesting Letters, Zion’s Watch Tower, February 1891, page 30. [Not in Reprints.]
[32]             Advertisement, The Cincinnati, Ohio, Enquirer, December 27, 1894.
[33]             Letter from E. F. R. to Russell appended to: The Memorial Supper Celebrated, Zion’s Watch Tower, May 15, 1902, page 157. [Omitted from Reprints.]
[34]             Continuous Sermon, The Cato Citizen, August 28, 1897.
[35]             Not Known by Name, Rochester, New York, Democrat and Chronicle¸ September 30, 1901.
[36]             Among the Churches, The Flint, Michigan, Daily Journal¸ March 28, 1903
[37]             See the March 7, 1906, issue.
[38]             Untitled notice, The Huston, Texas, Daily Post, May 29, 1901; Evangelist Sam Williams, February 22, 1903.


roberto said...

Stellar research. At this point it would be interesting to find out the name of the early foreign congregations: Germany, Sweden, France, Spain .....Italy.
Once I said that the first Italian Watch Tower Believers (about 1903-1910) were called Darbysts from the Waldensian Church. I suppose you need a detailed account.

roberto said...

Italian Translation Part 1


Due questioni assillavano le prime congregazioni e i piccoli gruppi di studio: Come loro potevano identificarsi, e come gli osservatori esterni li identificavano. Russell e molti dei suoi primi collaboratori provenivano da ambienti che rifiutavano qualsiasi nome tranne “cristiano” o qualche altro forma di derivazione biblica. [1] Vedevano il settarismo, incluso il darsi dei nomi, come qualcosa del Diavolo. Questo ragionamento li lasciò senza nome. Augustus Bergner disse al New York Sun che apparteneva "a un gruppo di cristiani che non hanno un nome in comune. Noi non siamo secondo avventisti, e non siamo delle setta della ‘Holiness’ o della ‘Higher Life’ [2]

Maria Russell disse che la maggior parte se non quasi tutti i gruppi si riunivano in case private. Parlò della vera chiesa come “dispersa in tutta il mondo, molti stanno da soli, e alcuni in piccole compagnie, spesso contando solo due o tre membri, radunandosi in case diverse di volta in volta”. [3] Quando Frank Draper, uno dei primi evangelizzatori parlò a Glens Falls, New York, la riunione fu tenuta nella casa di W. H. Gildersleeve, che era disponibile a fare venire gente a casa sua. [4] Qualche tempo dopo le adunanze tenute a Glens Falls furono spostate nella casa di Mrs. C. W. Long, ma entro due anni furono di nuovo tenute nella casa di Gildersleeve nella Birch Avenue. [5] H. Samson, per un po’ di tempo anche lui un evangelizzatore della Watch Tower, raramente parlava in qualche edificio pubblico. Un giornale osservò che “che la maggior parte delle riunioni …. sono state tenute in un salotto di alcuni membri della chiesa.” [6] Ci sono molti altri esempi di case-chiese, ma la maggioranza di questi casi sono più adatti al terzo libro di questa serie.

Singole congregazioni sperimentarono diversi nomi, la maggior parte dei nomi delle congregazioni che sono giunti fino a noi sono al di fuori del periodo che trattiamo in questi due volumi, ma possiamo considerare alcuni casi. La congregazione di S. Louis, Missouri si denominò “I Cercatori della Verità”. [7] Una chiesa (congregazione) appena formata a Salem nell’Oregon chiamava sé stessa “La Chiesa dell’Iddio Vivente”, che è una frase biblica. Si radunavano nella “Sala delle Donne Cristiane per la Temperanza” (un’associazione di donne contro l’uso degli alcolici). [8] Nel 1902 I fedeli di Akron, Ohio, tenevano delle adunanze regolari e un rappresentante disse a un cronista che “potevano essere chiamati Studenti dell’Aurora, o membri della Chiesa dell’Iddio Vivente”. Le loro adunanze venivano tenute nelle case dei fedeli. [9] La congregazione di Grants Pass, Oregon, usava anch’essa quel nome. [10] La congregazione di Cedar Rapids lo usava anche, come pure quella di Saratoga, New York. Un rappresentante della Watch Tower, W. Hope Hay, usava quel nome. [11] A Cortland, New York, si chiamavano “La Chiesa dell’Iddio Vivente e del Piccolo Gregge”. Occasionalmente le riunioni venivano descritte come “adunanze della Watch Tower and Tract Society.” [12] Benché il nome “Chiesa dell’Iddio Vivente” fosse intrigante perché derivava dalle Scritture, era anche usato da una chiesa di neri americani politicamente radicali, e di conseguenza le congregazioni della Watch Tower gradualmente presero le distanze da questo nome.


Unknown said...

dear Roberto,
I will thank you for your great and interesting work which give us so much information about our history. It's a honor to know brother like you which spend so many time for this project. Please don't stop you!
sorry for my bad english but i'm italian and know this page only about the italian forum who Roberto report the same and more information which have over 33000 views:


Anonymous said...

Grazie per la traduzione e per l'articolo molto interessante :)

roberto said...


“Chiesa del Piccolo Gregge” designava la congregazione di Cortland, New York. Quando R. E. Streeter vi tenne un discorso nel 1902, era basato sui soggetti ampiamenti trattati di “La Venuta del Regno” e “La Restituzione di Tutte le Cose”. Una pubblicità su un giornale usò il termine “Piccolo Gregge”. Tenne il discorso nella “Women’s Christian Temperance Union Hall” e la congregazione si radunava ancora lì nel 1904 e usava sempre il nome “Piccolo Gregge”. Grazie all’opera di alcuni evangelizzatori, molti dei quali erano ex ecclesiastici, nella Carolina del Nord si ottennero dei frutti, e fu formata una piccola congregazione nella Contea di Nicolas vicino a Elisabeth City. Il giornale locale riportava: “Una nuova setta religiosa si è stabilita nelle campagne di Nicolas County. La nuova setta si chiama La Nuova Luce. Si dice che la setta sia nata grazie all’influenza del reverendo Russell di Allegheny City, dove dirige un giornale chiamato La Torre di Guardia di Sion. Gli aderenti alla setta della Nuova Luce professano di non credere all’esistenza dell’inferno” [13]. Il nome La Nuova Luce fu riutilizzato nella West Virginia


roberto said...

Parte 3

Come già detto, quando fu formata la congregazione di Scranton in Pennsylvania, usavano il nome “Classe della Torre di Guardia di Bibbie” (Watch Tower Bible Class) [14]. Quando Russell vi fece un discorso, la stampa appesantì il nome rendendolo: “Lettori e studenti della serie L’Aurora del Millennio e tutti gli altri che sono interessati al soggetto dell’avvento pre-millenniale”. Quando la congregazione di Richmond nell’Indiana fu organizzata da J. G. Wright, un “pellegrino” della Watch Tower, fu chiamata “La Società dell’Aurora Millenniale” (The Millennial Dawn Society) [15]. Un annuncio degli orari delle adunanze per la congregazione di Richmond in Virginia li definiva “Credenti nell’Aurora Millenniale (Believers in the Dawning Millennium). Si radunavano la domenica alla Marshal Hall sulla East Broad Street [16]. L’annuncio sembra più che altro una descrizione della loro credenza piuttosto che nome vero e proprio. Il nome “Aurora Millenniale” era usato in qualche sua forma in vari annunci, che li faceva diventare “Auroristi Millenniali” [17]. In Elmira, New York erano “La Classe dell’Aurora Millenniale” [18]. In Flushing, New York erano la “Società dell’Aurora Millenniale” [19]. A dicembre del 1900, Russell fece un discorso alla congregazione di Washinton D.C. e l’avviso del giornale li descrisse come “Amici dell’Aurora Millenniale e della Torre di Guardia di Sion”

Quando nel giugno del 1900 fu tenuto a Philadelphia un congresso della Watch Tower, essi si descrissero come “Credenti nel Riscatto per mezzo del Sangue di Cristo” [20]. A un congresso tenuto a Denver in Colorado nel 1903 si chiamavano “Credenti nella Seconda Venuta” [21] Quando Russell partecipò a un congresso in Omaha, nel Nebraska, nel 1898, erano semplicemente chiamati “I Credenti”. L’abbreviazione “Credenti” fu usata ancora l’anno successivo a Boston [22]. Ai congressi della Watch Tower si continuò a usare il termine “Credenti” all’incirca fino al 1908. Un congresso tenuto a Manchester, Inghilterra, a cavallo del 1906-7, era pubblicizzato come “Congresso dei Credenti nel Riscatto per tutti”. Un congresso tenuto in S. Paul, Minnesota, nel 1906 li vedeva come “Credenti nel Sacrificio di Riscatto di Cristo”. Questo nome fu usato ancora a Indianapolis, Indiana; a Niagara Falls, New York; e a Norfolk, Virginia nel 1907. Un congresso tenuto a Put-in-Bay, Ohio, nel 1908 fu chiamato “Congresso degli Studenti Biblici”, ma l’invito era rivolto a “tutti i credenti nel riscatto per tutti”. Dopodiché la maggioranza dei congressi erano “Congressi degli Studenti Biblici” [23]


Barnaba1977 said...

I read this article with attention: thanks a lot for this great work! May Jehovah bless you!

roberto said...


Ad Albany, New York, i “Credenti nella Restituzione” si radunavano in casa di Fredrick J. Clapham al n° 288 della First Street. In precedenza, almeno un’adunanza era stata tenuta a casa del “fratello Fletcher” [24]. Altrove veniva usato il nome “Lettori dell’Aurora Millenniale” [25]. In Omaha, nel Nebraska, un giornale li chiamava “I Credenti” [26]. Nel pubblicizzare un congresso che si sarebbe tenuto a Indianapolis in Indiana, a cui sarebbero stati presenti C. T. Russell e C. A. Owen “un ministro locale”, il nome dato a sé stessi era alquanto lungo e risultava così: “credenti nella dottrina dell’aurora millenniale e nel riscatto in favore di tutta la razza del genere umano per mezzo del sangue di Gesù Cristo” [27].

A Cincinnati, Ohio, la congregazione pubblicizzava le adunanze come Chiesa dei Credenti. Nel 1891 si radunavano al n°170 di Walnut Street, appartamento 8, per ricevere “insegnamento e associarsi” [28]. Nel 1891 J. B. Adamson teneva delle adunanze settimanali in quel luogo. Russell riferì che Adamson aveva distribuito “circa 4.000 volumi dell’Aurora del Millennio”, aggiungendo che Adamson e la moglie ”hanno fatto e stanno facendo un buon lavoro” – radunando il grano maturo e dando testimonianza ad altri. Le adunanze della domenica tenute dal fratello Adamson aiutano ad annaffiare la buona notizia della verità presente che durante la settimana semina distribuendo L’Alba del Millennio” [29]. A partire dal maggio 1892 i “Credenti” di Cincinnati si radunavano al 227 di Main Street, invitando persone ad assistere a “discorsi gratuiti sulla verità presente, in armonia con la Bibbia, spiegati dall’Aurora Millenniale”. L’annuncio dei “Credenti” diceva che “questi discorsi dimostrano la grande armonia del piano delle età del nostro creatore, la grande chiamata e la restituzione di ogni cosa” [30].

Adamson trovò interesse nel Dottor A _________ [31]. Sebbene non siamo in grado di identificare questa persona, egli diede testimonianza alla comunità di medici di Cincinnati. Un annuncio nel numero del 27 dicembre 1894 del giornale “Enquirer” preparato da un certo W. Val Stark dice: “Mi piacerebbe incontrare qualcuno che ha familiarità con l’Aurora del Millennio che desideri attivamente distribuire gli avvisi sulle chiese” [32]. Stark fornì il suo indirizzo, che era l’indirizzo del Cincinnati Sanitarium, un ospedale privato che si occupava di infermità mentali e dipendenze da fumo e alcool. A dispetto di una larga distribuzione dei volumi dell’Aurora del Millennio, la congregazione rimase piccola. Nel 1902 i presenti alla commemorazione erano 37, e di questi 11 erano dei nuovi interessati [33].

roberto said...


A Los Angeles, in California, nel 1899 pubblicizzavano sé stessi come “Chiesa del Vangelo Aurora Millenniale”. A partire dal 1902 adottarono il nome “Lettori dell’Aurora del Millennio”, e nel 1903 lo modificarono in “Amici dell’Aurora del Millennio”. Ci sono diversi casi che attestano come Russell preferisse che fossero chiamati semplicemente “I Cristiani”. Per esempio, quando fece dei discorsi per un esteso periodo al Boston Commons nel 1897, il giornale “The Cato, New York, Citizen” lo descrisse come il “leader di una nuova setta chiamata semplicemente ‘I Cristiani’ [34]. Un invito per un raduno della Watch Tower nel 1901, veniva presentato in questo modo: “Congresso dei credenti nel grande sacrificio di redenzione del nostro salvatore e signore Gesù Cristo” [35]. Quando la congregazione di Flint nel Michigan si diede un nome in un elenco di chiese su un giornale del paese, si autodefinì “Popolo della Torre di Guardia di Sion” [36]. A Wardfale, Inghilterra, si erano messi il nome “La Chiesa di Cristo”. Il giornale The London Daily News scrisse che erano più comunemente conosciuti con il nome di “Aurora del Millennio” [37].

Gli estranei erano in difficoltà nel doverli descrivere. Quando Sam Williams, uno di quelli che formò la congregazione di Houston in Texas, vi predicò nel 1903, il giornale The Houston Daily Post li descrisse semplicemente come “quelli della fede del signor Williams”, senza usare un qualsiasi nome. In precedenza, il giornale The Post chiamò il movimento “La Fede dell’Aurora Millenniale” [38]. Ancora nel 1912 il giornale Morrison and Fourmy Directory of Houston li elenca come “Chiesa dell’Aurora del Millennio”. Questa difficoltà nel descriverli continuò per alcuni anni.


Gian said...

Fantastico! la Chiesa del piccolo gregge è diventata quello che siamo...
certo ci sono voluti tanti passaggi ma è successo!
grazie a Geova!
e grazie a chi, con questo lavoro di ricerca, ne mantiene la memoria!

Unknown said...

Exellent. Great work

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