Tuesday, August 23, 2016

I think ...

That you misunderstood my previous post. We have no intention of abbreviating anything. The issue is format. And to a lesser extent timing. So, restated: We can issue a volume 2 roughly the size of volume 1. It would cost approximately the same as vol 1 does. Volume 3 would come later.

Or we can finish our current outline; that's about seven more chapters. It will be a bigger book. It would cost more. We're uncertain how much more, but more than I would willingly pay.

We have no intention, either way, of abbreviating our research. Does this alter your opinion?


Anonymous said...

No, it doesn´t. I think three volumes would be nice. Thank you for your work.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for asking. As far as I am concerned nobody does what you do. The fact that you do this exceedingly well makes the question you are asking irrelevant. Produce a second and third version and I will buy them. Produce only a large, but expensive, second version and I will buy it. Either way, I will be happy!

Son of Ton

jerome said...

Volume two being about the same size (and cost) as volume one makes sense. Getting a volume two of this size out sooner rather than later also makes sense. What you have found with this volume as originally projected will also apply as you work on volume three. To adapt a phrase from Harriet Beecher Stowe, Like Topsy it just grew.

Semer said...

Also, a larger, heavier volume might be more prone to come unbound.

Anonymous said...

I would prefer book two to be the same size as book one but does that mean that book three will be less pages?

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

Book 3, if we go that way, would be about the same size as the previous 2.

Chris G. said...

Hello Rachel,
With this clarification and assurance that the information would be the same, I believe that most would prefer vol 2 and then a vol 3 instead of the vol 2 and 3 bound together. I agree with Jerome above. just my 2 cents worth. Chris

muffy said...

I am also thinking of a volume 2, and then 3... and if we are lucky, it may even grow into a volume 4 after that.
thanks so much

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