Monday, August 8, 2016

Update of sorts.

We've contacted the archive that has the Seton letters and other material relevant to the Watch Tower presence in Liberia in the 1880s, requesting access to a total of eleven documents. Typically this archive takes several weeks to reply.

We've asked for material written by the principals. These include Bishop Ferguson who appears unfavorably in a Watch Tower article; Seton whose name is sometimes misspelled by Russell as Seaton; Gibson who is mentioned in the Yearbook history of Liberia; and several others.

Additionally, several relevant items are in the Library of Congress. We haven't contacted them yet. I'll keep you posted. When Mr. Schulz worked on a history project prior to 1993, the Library of Congress provided enthusiastic help. This cooperative attitude has faded.

We have a partially written subheading considering this history, but its contents are taken from secondary sources. We question the accuracy of some of these. We want the original documents, believing that they will enlarge the story. We hope that they will replace fable with an accurate story in the same manner that the Randle letters did for the story we tell about the China missions.

We need a good photo of Seton. He used the Anglicized name Samuel W. Seton. His Gebo [tribal] name was Tobe Kade, and he was sometimes called by nicknames. 

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