Monday, September 26, 2016

I'm returning ...

I'm returning editorship of this blog to Mr. Schulz. I'm not leaving the project, but this blog is a total waste of time. It exists to elicit comments and suggestions. We receive almost no meaningful comments. As far as that goes, we receive almost no comments. I spend time on this blog best spent on other aspects of this project.


jerome said...

The stats show that quite a few people do read the blog, and in recent times the blog has provided you with volunteers to translate material and transcribe other material. Plus there are one or two new contributors with comments that you would not have received without a platform like this for them. And new readers who have written reviews and spread the word elsewhere. It may seem very small, but this is a very specialized subject, and even if we have something we want to write (you know I have several projects half finished) sometimes things in life (like home "improvements"...) just swamp us for short times and restrict our contribution. But we read it very regularly and appreciate it.

roberto said...

I agree with Jerome

Andrew Martin said...

Much appreciated by this reader. You continue to answer questions I have asked for over 40 years, with detail I never could have hoped for.

Nathan Natas said...

I can understand the frustration you might feel because of the lack of comments, but you need to look at how your blog format may be discouraging that which you seek. To put it bluntly, your blog does not make it easy for a new visitor to feel that they are welcome to make a comment.

One thing that might be nice would be a "leave a comment" box that could be used for random comments. When comments are limited to an already existing blog entry, a visitor like myself might feel they are being rude to post a comment that doesn't fit with the already-defined topic of conversation.

I had some additional thoughts about your EXCELLENT work, but I will keep them to myself for now.

B. W. Schulz said...

Blogger does not allow what you suggest, though it is a good one. You can always contact us via the profile emails. And we will post any comment that isn't rude and is a comment on the general topic we consider here.

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