Thursday, October 6, 2016

Recent Visits Map

Now if only each visitor would leave a brief comment and make Rachael happy:


Bernhard said...

Saudi Arabia! Very interesting.

Andrew Martin said...

OK. Boring Ohio. But the blog continues to amaze me, with newly uncovered history and insights. In a way, it's like Archaeology, only digging through paper instead of through layers of earth.

B. W. Schulz said...

If you live in Zanzibar, Ohio is an exotic place.

Unknown said...

I know a brother who taught English in Saudi Arabia for a year and a half. But not there now, I don't think.

jerome said...

Greetings from Wales.

Leroy said...

Hello again from Monterrey, México. Rachel don't be discouraged by indiference, all of us who choose to put our interest in such specialized topics face it all the time, and even in this kind of communities not everyone appreciate the hard work of researchers, and many who do, just don't know how important is to express it. Congrats and keep the good work that is reaching people all around the world :)

Semer said...

Greetings from Madrid!
Thanks for this superb blog and your amazing books. This is a dream come true, a window to another time.

roberto said...

Greetings from Italy. Ciao!
Rachael we love you.

Andrew said...

Rachael and Bruce:

Your research has much more influence than you will ever know. I started reading Russell's work in the 1970s when Witnesses called at my door. I always admired his straightforward writing, and I think he is still underrated as a writer. I always suspected there was a lot more to the story, but I never got it from official Watchtower sources. For more than 40 years I have wanted to know more about Russell, but never knew how or where to look.

Thank you for bringing to light his incredible journey, and for helping so many to understand the myriad of influences that made him who he was. Not a saint, not a villain, just a person trying to make sense of the world around him and trying to fill his spiritual hunger, just like so many of his day. The more I read of Russell, the more I wish I could have known him.

I know of at least twenty in my local congregation who regularly read your blog, most of whom are learning substantive facts about Russell for the first time. They are fearful of commenting on the blog, because they fear they might be suspected of apostasy by "control enthusiasts" who regularly warn their flock not to look at anything pertaining to Watchtower history other than official sources. They eagerly await each new article, and we regularly talk about its contents. We cannot thank you enough for your hard work. I sincerely wish each of you good health so you can continue your project, and cannot wait for the next book.

Don't ever think your work in not appreciated.


Miquel Angel Plaza-Navas said...

Nice to see that there are three or more places in Spain!!!

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Northern Germany! German girl,always following

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Hungary

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Germany.


Hello from Cape Town - South Africa.
You are keeping me busy with all the reading I have to do here !

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

Hi to all our readers. Welcome. We love comments.

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