Thursday, November 17, 2016

Temporary post ... Lawver, Foore

This is an update of part of a chapter entitled Seeking Cohesion, parts of which were posted before. This is a temporary post; most of it will go away in a few days. Comments welcome, wanted, needed or what ever prompts you to leave one

J. S. Lawver and John C. Foore.       

J. S. Lawver’s preaching tour was announced in Zion’s Watch Tower, and we can suppose sympathy to the Watch Tower message. Calling him “Brother Lawver,” Russell noted his evangelical tour planned for mid-1882: “Bro. Lawver of Missouri starts about July first, for a trip through Kansas and Texas. Letters, requests for preaching, may be addressed to this office.”[1] Russell included him with other Watch Tower evangelists such as Keith and Sunderlin. Interestingly, his trip is reported in The Restitution as well.[2] Some overlap, sometimes a considerable overlap, in teaching and evangelism between Watch Tower and Restitution evangelists continued into the 1890s.

The remainder of this post has been deleted.


roberto said...

It always puzzles me to define the differences between Storrs-Russell and the Restitution doctrine. It is clear that the Restitution was the main voice (or the only one) of the One-Faith, Age-to-Come believers, but the movement was permeable at infiltration from other sides.

Great research, Lawver and Foore deserved your efforts. Thanks!

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

We have updated this. It will change in the final version. Never rely on a blog post for an authoritative version of events. I note that some published authors use our blog as a reference. Probably best to contact us first to ensure that a post is accurate. We've removed a few that represented out best work at the time, but have been improved since. Good sense should drive research.

Anonymous said...

So engrossing. Good to get to know two more old timers ~~

roberto said...


1882, il fratello Lawver

Il giro di predicazione di Lawver fu annunciato nella Torre di Guardia di Sion e questo fa dedurre come minimo una simpatia verso oltre messaggio contenuto nella Watchtower. Chiamandolo "fratello Lawver" Russell richiamò l'attenzione sul suo giro evangelicon in programma per metà del 1882. Leggiamo nella Torre di Guardia quanto segue:

"Il fratello Lawver del Missouri, inizierà più o meno a luglio, un giro [di predicazione] attraverso il Kansas e il Texas. Lettere domande per la predicazione devono essere indirizzate a questo ufficio." [1]

Russell incluse Lawver insieme ad altri evangelizzare della Watch Tower come Keith a Sunderlin. Curiosamente questo giro di predicazione fu annunciato anche sul giornale The Restitution. [2] Una certa sovrapposizione di dottrina ed evangelizzazione tra la Watch Tower e The Restitution continuò fino a qualche anno dopo il 1890.........

Il resto dell'articolo è stato eliminato perché oggetto di revisione.

Anonymous said...

Another fine article which I read in full before it was trimmed.

Russell's use of the term 'Brother' was far more inclusive than that used by adherents today. I note, for instance, that he used the term for Dwight L. Moody who is credited with having built the new revivalist empire from which much of fundamentalism grew, although it's modern form is, no doubt, very different from what he had envisaged. If it is within the scope of the Separate Identity project, I would be interested to know what overlap, if any, existed between the two?

Son of Ton

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