Wednesday, January 11, 2017

General Alexander P. Stewart - Work in progress

Alexander Peter Stewart is the first on the left

"We had a warm welcome in St. Louis, too, and the attendance was excellent,  notwithstanding the fact that we did not get the announcement into the WATCH TOWER,  and hence but few came from nearby towns. The morning session was in the "Christian Church" edifice.  The topic was "Consecration," and following it nine symbolized full consecretion by water baptism. Among the number was Brother Alexander Stewart, well known throughout the South for the active and prominent part he took in the war of the Rebellion, as the leader of "Stewart's Cavalry." General Stewart is of advanced years, but clear of intellect. He has been a "soldier of the Cross" for some time, and deeply interested in "Present Truth" for several years. He expected to be symbolically baptized at the time of the Chattanooga Convention, but was prevented by ill health. After leaving the water Brother Stewart was heard to express great satisfaction at having thus outwardly confessed his blessed Lord and his full devotion to him and His cause. Brother Stewart already had joined the army of the Lord, but this act of public confession he, so to speak, donned his regimentals and joined the forces "on the firing line." ............. [1]

"Brother Russell, in closing this address, informed the audience that he was called to St. Louis, Mo., to preach the funeral sermon of our beloved brother Gen. A. P. Stewart, once of the Confederate army, and ranking Lieutenant-General in the same.  The funeral address on that occasion, we believe, was published by several of the prominent newspapers. Brother Russell returned at the convention after an absence of two days." [2]

"The service was simple, Rev. C. T. Russell, of Pittsburgh, president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and long intimate friend of General Stewart told of his character,  his service to Tennessee, his native State, and as an educator." [3]

[1] WT 1905 R3637 "The Editor's Western Tour"
[2] WT 1908 R 4244 "Brother A. P. Stewart's Funeral"
[3] The Gold Leaf. Volume, September 10, 1908, p. 2


Andrew Martin said...

Excellent work, Roberto! Thanks for building on my mention under comments regarding General William P. Hall several weeks ago.

Andrew Martin said...

I thought I'd address the following statement from the 1905 ZWT:

"Among the number was Brother Alexander Stewart, well known throughout the South for the active and prominent part he took in the war of the Rebellion, as the leader of 'Stewart's Cavalry.'"

Any research I've been able to do has him starting with Artillery before the war, and later commanding infantry.

He commanded artillery at the battle of Belmont in 1861 (opposite a nascent General Grant); later headed an infantry brigade at Shiloh, Perryville, and Murfreesboro, then an infantry division at Chickamauga and Missionary, and the III Corps of the Confederate Army of Tennessee in the Atlanta campaign and afterwards.

Seems the closest he ever got to being "cavalry" was having three horses shot out from under him at the Battle of Resaca in 1864!

So wherefrom "Stewart's Cavalry"?

Try STUART'S Cavalry! James Ewell Brown ("Jeb") Stuart (1833-1864) - Robert E. Lee's dashingly famous cavalry commander.

Once again, I suggest: Watchtower should stick to religion, and leave history alone!


roberto said...

Interesting Andrew, thanks.

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