Saturday, February 11, 2017

Postcard from F H Robison to A Weber

Supplied by Franco

(the correct spelling is Robison)

This postcard dated 11 April 1912 was written in German by Brother Robison to Brother Weber during a return trip to America after a tour in Europe.

"Lieber Bruder Weber: grüsse aus Irland. Die Reise des Comitees ist jetzt heimwärts gerichtet. Bald sind wir da. Deiner in Christo J.H.Robinson"


Dear Brother Weber, greetings from Ireland, the journey of the Committee is now directed homeward, and soon we will be there, Yours in Christ, F H Robison.

(Editorial note: this was the return journey from the tour made by C T Russell and others investigating foreign missions. See Watch Tower for April 15, 1912)


Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

Our continuing gratitude to Franco for sharing.

roberto said...

Yes, thanks Franco.

Linwood Austin said...

I Found a great article by Brother Robison over here:

And over here I personally posted some article that Brother Robison might have liked:

jerome said...

Robison's connection with the Concordant Bible Society is partly documented in this old blog post:

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