Wednesday, February 8, 2017

We need

There are several German language anti-Russell and anti-Bible Student booklets, mostly from the 1920s. We need any from before 1910. Do you know of any?


Unknown said...

According to Detlef Garbe this source is the "first mention of the Watch Tower Society in Germany in a church study on denominations".

Garrison vicar Geiges, "Ch. T. Russell" in Kalb, Ernst, Ed., Kirchen und Sekten der Gegenwart. Unter Mitarbeit verschiedener evangelischer Theologen. Stuttgart, 1905.

Anonymous said...

Kalb, Ernst (Hrsg.): Kirchen und Sekten der Gegenwart ; Stuttgart : Evang. Ges., 1907. - XV,655 S. [Seite 469f.Mentions Bibelforsher according to K. Vegelahn]


Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

thanks, paul

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