Sunday, March 26, 2017

Adolphe Weber

Below are some scans sent in by Franco. In order, they are:

Portrait of Adolphe Weber
Postcard with Weber’s stamp
Weber’s copy of the book Deliverance (1926)
Close up of Weber’s signature from same
Letter about Weber’s background - born 1863, died 1947.

See also editorial comment after pictures

Editorial comment

For any who do not know Weber’s story, he came into contact with Zion’s Watch Tower while working as a gardener for CTR in Pittsburgh. He went back to Europe in the late 1890s to spread the message, and remained loyal to the Watchtower Society throughout his life. He died in 1947. For a fuller history of his life see the history of the work in France in the Yearbook for 1980.


Andrew Martin said...

Thank you, Franco, for posting these amazing mementos from Weber's life.

The 1987 Yearbook on the history of the Witnesses in Switzerland also has information on Weber, including a photograph.

A very interesting man, a simple gardener who seems to have had credible skills in three languages, and who accomplished much, seemingly without any personal ambitions.

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Yep, as you say Andrew. It's availability that beats ability all day long (although Weber seems to have been blessed with both).

Thanks again Franco.


bruciolis said...

Adolphe Weber he died on 4 February 1948, faithful to Jehovah, in a Neuchatel hospital.

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