Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Marginally relevant

One of our blog readers sent me this. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And I can say without too much of a smile that I've introduced my share of classes with something similar.


Andrew said...

The only teachers who ever really helped me improve my writing skills were very much like Mr. McIntyre. In fact, many of them were much more crude and straightforward than Mr. McIntyre. At the time, some of them seemed cruel, and it took me a long time to realize that their only goal was to help me become a better writer. They insisted on excellence, and they constantly told me that I would only improve if I recognized the difficulty of writing good prose and if I were willing to edit my work ruthlessly. I recognize now that I owe each of them a great debt.


Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

I tell my students that their words are not their children. Editing does not kill children.

Andrew Martin said...

"Go get 'em!"

"Off with their heads!"

"Drain the swamp!"

etc., etc., ...

Thanks for posting!


jerome said...

Starting a sentence with "And" or "But" - I'm glad to see the speaker quoted Genesis. I often like to point grammar pedants to the King James Version Bible. BUT they do it... AND If it's good enough for them...

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