Saturday, March 11, 2017

Several things ...

Several things:

Someone from University of California at Long Beach visits regularly. I suspect they’re looking for something specific. If you are that person, let me know how I can help.

German Girl: Thanks for your offer to translate. We’re having a scarce German booklet scanned. I do need help translating it. My German is very poor. Email me directly, and when it’s scanned I will send it to you. [r m de vienne @ yahoo dot com]

We still need von Zech family papers belonging to his German relatives if they are relevant to Otto’s evangelism. I haven’t a clue how to look for those.

Watch Tower presence in Germany before 1903 is impossible to document in a meaningful way. Yet, we know it existed. Anyone? The same is true of Norway and France. There was at least one Barbourite in France in the 1870s. We can’t follow that up, or we haven’t with any success.

We are very dissatisfied with our history of the earliest work in Canada. Most significant documentation is from the late 1890s, outside the scope of Separate Identity. Can you add to our understanding of the work in the 1880s?

We need scans of any letters, postcards or memoranda signed by Russell, no matter how brief or mundane they may seem.

Letters between Bible Students sent in the Russell era would help. Have one? Please scan it.

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