Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Tell me ...

L. A. Allen wrote an article entitled Straight Gate for the June 1880, ZWT. You can find this online. We want to know your impression of this article.


roberto said...

June 1880

roberto said...

The article is nice, well written. It is clearly Universalist.
Lizzie A. Allen says:
"They have taught that his blood could avail for all. Few have realized the revealed truth that His blood does avail for all."
"The salvation here taught does not depend upon their acceptance of Him."

Andrew Martin said...

Thanks for the reference.

I am very interested in reading it, especially after having read William Barclay's essay "Why I Am a Committed Universalist".

I've heard of C. T. Russell being described as being "as close as one could be to a Universalist, without actually being one", although I'm sure that's an exaggeration.

Thanks again! Hoping to comment after reading.

Andrew said...

I am trying to read between the lines. I think the author is saying that the reason few accept the call is that they are content with earthly things, and that they do not see the need to accept the invitation. So perhaps he is trying to explain why some are indifferent to the message. (Or is he perhaps trying to explain why so few are indifferent to his OWN preaching?) Is that what he means in the last paragraph when he says "the results may seem less"?

The strait, or narrow, gate is part of the Plan. The bride will be only the jewels, the finest, the church. Only those who truly count the cost and conquer the world will be a part of the heavenly calling. Then, during the kingdom, the church will participate in the restitution of the whole world. I think he is encouraging those who have heard the call to look forward to participating in the restitution. Any frustration now when having few accept the message will be forgotten when being able to participate in the saving of the entire human race.

I'm anxious to see what others see in this article.


Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

We should note that L. A. Allen is Lizzie [Elizabeth] Allen whom we profile on volume 1 of Separate Identity. Not a he at all.

jerome said...

Russell taught "universal opportunity" which was sometimes misunderstood (or misrepresented) by critics as "universal salvation".

Andrew Martin said...

Jerome, the final issue of The Bible Examiner seems to indicate that George Storrs also held that view of "universal opportunity" - if that issue correctly reflects his thinking. Being written by his daughter, I would certainly hope so.

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

If you will remember from Separate Identity, Russell drew his wide salvation doctrine from Storrs and others with similar views.

Andrew Martin said...

Yes, exactly. What would be the best term for their belief: "Universal Opportunity", "Wide Salvation", or something else? Or is there a widely accepted term to describe their belief on salvation?

Something I find interesting is the post-Russell exodus of WT leaders such as Fredrik Robison and Menta Sturgeon, who were attracted to Universalism, apparently via A E Knoch's Concordant Publishing Concern.

I just wonder if their core beliefs on salvation had never really been very far away from Universalism.

jerome said...

For information on Robison, Sturgeon, Knoch and Universalism, there is an old article on the blog that may be of interest:

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