Friday, August 11, 2017

S. O. Blunden

From: The Independent Press and Bloomfield [New Jersey] Citizen, November 1915.

The Independent Press [Bloomfield] May 23, 1913


jerome said...

Congratulations to whoever found these cuttings on Simon O Blunden, because I know they don't show up in the newspaper archive attached to Ancestry. If Simon Blunden ceased to be a Society director in 1908 and lived until 1915, does he show up at all in your holdings of Paton's World's Hope? Most well-known names leaving CTR tend to turn up in Paton's magazine (even if only briefly on their continued journey). Has anyone looked for the initials S.O.B? (And that's not intended as a joke, I can't help it if Simon's parents landed him with those initials!)

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

you have or soon will have all our post 1900 Hopes. I haven't seen him. I believe that if he shows up anywhere it will be in New Covenant Believers material.

jerome said...

I will have a look, but as you suggest, there is a logic to his being involved with the New Covenant schism. Henninges' material has survived, but apart from a nice obit for McPhail mentions few people. Apart from McPhail's small book on the covenants, American material on the split seems not to have survived. Unless of course, anyone out there knows different.

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