Monday, June 4, 2018

Tabernacle Teachings

Tabernacle Teachings was an early work of CTR first published as a special supplement to ZWT for February 1882. It was later expanded into the more well-known work Tabernacle Shadows.

It followed on quite soon after the publication of Food for Thinking Christians which was issued as a special issue of ZWT for September 1881.

There was certain logic in the two small books being presented together, and in fact, the second from last page of the original Tabernacle Teachings presented them as companions.

It is not surprising that there are reports of the two being actually bound together into one volume. However, the one copy that has been seen shows the two publications being printed separately and just being bound together without any additional title page. So the second title page comes after the end of the first book. There were just extra end sheets added to the combined item. On the inside end sheet of the one example that is known is an inscription to the effect: “J C Sunderlin to G L McCormick.” So it may be that Sunderlin had this particular example hard bound or it may be that there are other examples out there still to be found.

The very end page of Tabernacle Teachings advertises Zion’s Watch Tower magazine.

There is no mention of price on Tabernacle Teachings, the booklet was free. The only mention of cost was in the advertisement for ZWT on the final page. The subscription price for ZWT was 50 cents per year in the United States and sixty-five cents in Britain. The Lord’s Poor could have it free on request.

(With grateful thanks to Mike C who supplied the images)


roberto said...

thanks Jerome

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your commitment and your dedication.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot Jerome and Mike for your great contribution to the blog !

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