Monday, August 27, 2018

From Bernard for the special attention of German Girl

I'm posting this here instead of sending an email because most readers will be interested. With some corrections to the English Grammar (English is a second language for Bernard, and no insult is intended):

Some weeks ago “German Girl” asked about Fritz Balzereit, a Bible Student in Germany during World War I. I have found some information; please pass it on.

Karl Balzereit was married to the daughter of a Baptist clergyman. They had 3 children: Paul, Fritz and a daughter. So Fritz was brother to Paul Balzereit, the German branch overseer since 1916. Fritz served in the army; Paul did not, because he was unfit. Paul, disfellowshipped in 1935, served after 1939 in the German Wehrmacht. He survived the war. In 1959 he died after an accident on the street. A Truck killed him.

Thank you Rachael.
All best


Andrew Martin said...

Thank you for supplying this clarifying information. Every little piece of the puzzle is helpful.

Gary said...

Yes, thank you Bernhard for more good work. I wouldn't wish what happened to Balzeriet upon anyone. Yet his turncoat attitude is difficult to forgive.

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