Friday, August 17, 2018

we need a scan of this.


Some Problems in the Integration of Social Groups, with special reference to Jehovah’s Witnesses a dissertation [Harvard] written by Theodore Wentworth Sprague in 1942.


Stéphane said...

Dear Rachael,
It appears that the thesis you mention has never been published, but has been an (important ?) element referred in a subsequent article that appeared in the Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 39 Issue 2, April.1946, pp. 109-140, by the same author, under the following title : “ The ‘World’ Concept Among Jehovah's Witnesses ”, apparently downloadable from the site of the Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Core :, for a reasonable fee ; if your are interested in acquiring it, I would be very pleased to get a copy and transmit it to you free of charge.
I seize this opportunity to express my full admiration, Dear Rachael, for your enduring courage enabling you to pursue imperturbably your research and writing work.

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

yes please. thanks for your help Stephane.

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