Thursday, October 25, 2018

Maybe this one ...


roberto said...

For me, this photo is perfect, illustrates the efforts to spread the message everywhere in everyway, and the urgence of the message. Furthermore it fits with our era (1881). Finally there is a person, a young boy, and so you can see a resemblance and link with the cover of the first volume.

roberto said...

One of the other photos (especially Allegheny and Pittsburgh) would be perfect in one of the first pages, like in the first volume. Remember?

Andrew Martin said...


Check out this report from Britain in 1881: "The plan was to select sizable cities, employ a suitable man to recruit helpers, including boys, to give the books out free to people as they came out of church. This was to be a fast work, carried to its conclusion on two successive Sundays. [J.C.] Sunderlin recruited nearly five hundred messenger boys to give out the publications in London." - 1973 Yearbook, pages 88-89

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

We use this in a chapter on the work in the UK. A twitter comment by Roberto reminded me of it. I think it fits our needs nicely.

Gary said...


Not sure if I shared this with you earlier, but the Sheffield Daily Telegraph advertised on 14 October 1881:

WANTED, 50 BOYS to deliver "Zion's Watch Tower'" tracts on Sunday next - Apply, from Seven to Eight p.m. this (Friday) evening to Clarkson and Co., Advertising Contractors, Church Street.

Could probably fish the original advert out if it would help,

Kindest regards,

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

gary someone else sent that to us, and we have noted it in the chapter on the work in england.

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