Thursday, November 15, 2018

Reposted from 2009

Because of the actions of someone using the State of Idaho IP address we will no longer post large segments of work in progress. I really wish the bad actors would go away. The next step, if this continues, is to abandon this blog. Other issues mean it is time to restate:



The Rules

Calling me at home to "discuss" my book is a no-no. This blog exists as a forum for you to ask your questions and make your comments. I will not engage with you over the phone; I will not debate the merits of your theology or mine via the phone either. You most certainly may not call me or Miss de Vienne. There is nothing you have to say that can't be said in an email or blog post.

If you have comments or questions, you may post them here or use the email given on this blog. We will not respond to questions about our personal life. Our religious beliefs are not the subject of this forum. Watchtower history is. That this blog is named "truth history" should give you enough of a clue as to where I stand on most issues.

You will not find your chances of engaging me in dialogue improved by using as a reference the name of a person whom I neither trust nor respect. It is very unwise to name drop. You may not like my reaction if you do.

I don't know how I can make my position clearer. I am only interested in an accurate presentation of Watch Tower history. Our research and writing forwards no agenda except a clear and accurate presentation of history as it can be known.

As heartless as it may sound, I'm not interested in your beliefs, complaints, or theological speculations. Both Rachael and I have our own. We share them in other contexts. This blog is about history -- accurately presented, well researched history. We are not interested in polemics and we're not interested in your theological views. All are welcome here as long as they behave. Consider it our “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

Unfortunately, I am not able to provide copies of the references we used, except on a very limited basis. I am - to put it bluntly - old. I'm in declining health, and I have limited funds. I do not have enough money to return long distance calls, and I find calls to my home to be rude and intrusive. As a young man, my long term goal was to grow up to be a cranky old man. I finally made it. I’m not going to spoil it by taking your uninvited telephone calls.

To recapitulate (because some people just don't get it the first dozen times): 1. Do not call my house. 2. Do not call Rachael's house. 3. If you have comments or questions, post them on this blog. 4. Do not presume that I agree with you. I probably don't. 5. If it isn't about 'truth history,' I don't want to hear it. 6. We're not a resource for your unfounded, poorly researched, ill considered polemics. Don’t ask. That’s not why we're here.

My resources and stamina are limited. I usually cannot make photocopies, even if you offer to pay. I tell my students that they must do their own research. If I make my students do that, guess what I’m going to tell you. ...


jerome said...

I remember reading that post the first time around. One assumes that the set-up you now have prevents blog abuse, but not necessarily problems from those who make intrusive personal contact. In the UK we have a system called ex-directory that takes your number out of the public domain if that is what you want.

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

I have an unlisted number. B has a cell phone and the listed number goes to voice mail. However, someone got hold of his cell number and called. The call, as B reports it, was argumentative. That is the caller wanted to argue a religious point of view. We do not do that on the phone. I may briefly in another forum, but never here, never on the phone.

jerome said...

That's a reasonable level of "protection." The biggest issue I used to have was Americans ringing me up and not recognizing the time difference for here in the UK. At the time I was looking after a very elderly mother and a call in the middle of the night caused concerns. I was always polite though. I think. Just.

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

I get that from my oldest sister who lives in Belgium. She was born in the US and is a dual citizen as am I. But she can't keep track of times zones,apparently. Love her anyway.

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